Wisconsonites - need your help!

Sherry Lee

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 25, 2002
Phoenix, Az.
A customer wants me to match a frame. This was a framed piece, bought "five years ago" from Zimmer House of Color in Wausau, Wisconsin. The business card on the piece states this business sells paint, wallpaper, art supplies & picture framing. The manager is/was Jerry Minton and the phone number given is now a fax number. The asst. manager is/was Bruce Meydam and that phone number has no answer.

Just thought someone might know something about this company. I don't see any web site.

Thanks for any input! What's that infamous line?..."we're framers, not magicians"??? :rolleyes:

Is Wausau near you? Would you know anything about this company.....i.e. still in business?

Just taking a stab at it, since it seems that people in Wisconsin all know each other!

My search came up with the following in Wausau:
1. Cheryl's Framing & Gallery 715-848-0467
2. Christine's Art & Framing 715-845-2003
3. Wausau Art & Framing 715-845-8997

Sorry but no Zimmer's House of Color. Perhaps one of the above will know of Zimmer's fate. Good luck.
Sherry, I don't think Wausau is even really part of Wisconsin. I heard they left years ago.

Incredibly, I don't even know all the framers in Appleton. There are some Wisconsin Grumblers I've never met. I don't know my next-door neighbor's last name or the first name of the guy who moved in across the street three years ago.

It's true. I don't get out much.

Wausau is about 125 miles from here. With a name like Zimmer's House of Color and no website, did you really think they'd still be in business?

I'll bet they didn't even have a logo.

Of course they had a logo...


:D :D :D


On a serious note.....give Wausau Art & Frame a phone call. They've been there the longest, and might know who the owners of this paint store were and how to reach them.

Back in the 1960-70's when many paint and decorating stores did custom framing, Piedmont was a major supplier. But the odds of you matching any frame from that era are slim to none. :(

Amy, Ron and John......

After wiping my tears from laughing so hard, I thank you for taking the time to help me "take a stab at this"! I will give Wausau Art & Frame a call - thanks for the numbers Amy!

My customer was confident this was framed 5 years ago, but given that there wasn't an area code on the business card (back of frame), I doubted the accuracy of that.

Ron, I imagined you getting "all around town" - despite your family activities, two jobs, TG, dogs, fishing, hunting, race car driving, soccer, piano lessons, and wine tasting classes!

It sounds like it's time for a neighborhood block party! Can Grumbler's come too???

GREAT logo John!!.....a possible new product line for The Frame Workshop??? Hmmmmmmm.
Now Ron, take it easy on poor Wausau. It's a lovely community. I almost became the Risk Mgr. for their county. Of course, there's that stink from the paper mills, but I'm sure they figure out how to hold their breath for significant periods of time.

Plus, here is the MOST gorgeous, huge maple tree at the county highway shop that I'd just Love to get some seeds from to plant. Wow, what color and perfect symmetry. Gotta love that north woods.