Wire to the moulding or the stretcher???


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Feb 1, 2003
West Palm Beach, Florida
When attaching fittings and wire to a framed stretched canvas is it correct to attach to the moulding or the stretcher bars of the painting?

I've seen it both ways on pieces that have come in here and wanted to know what is the correct Grumbler method.

I always attach the hanging hardware to the moulding and never the stretcher bars. I don't know if attaching to the stretchers is considered wrong, but I would think it would not be the better choice of the two. If it is a considerably large canvas, I would think having the hardware attached to the stretchers would put undue stress on the canvas.

I am sure others will have a much better explanation than mine, however.


[ 01-15-2004, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: Hobbes03 ]
The one exception to the rule of hanging from
the frame and not the stretcher, would occur
in the case of modern paintings that are framed
with strip molding.

I attach the wire to whichever piece of wood is bigger, Usually that's going to be the frame, but sometimes, if the frame is a little cap, it'll be the stretcher.

Oh, and I wouldn't use wire. I'd use WallBuddies.