Windows XP SP2

Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
Service pack 2 is being released for Windows XP and I highly recommend it. They made a number of improvements in security and I've been running it for a couple days now. It has a built in pop up blocker, built in firewall that will pop up questions and "Learn" how you work. (for example when you do an online update with Lifesaver, it asks you if this is OK - the first time)

If you're a dialup customer, it'll take a LONG time. (possibly days, versus 3-5 minutes with dsl or cable) The one I downloaded was 266 MEGABYTES! :eek: I believe the scaled down version will be about 84 megabytes.

They released it to developers and IT professionals a few days ago, and it'll slowly become available through the WINDOWS UPDATE very soon.

It's also possible to order it for free on a CD.

If you have XP, the best way to get it:

1 Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

2 Click Performance and Maintenance.
Note If the Performance and Maintenance category is not visible, click Switch to Category View.

3 Click System.

4 Click Automatic Updates and then select Keep my computer up to date.

5 Select a setting. Microsoft recommends selecting "Automatically download the updates, and install them on the schedule that I specify" and setting a daily update.

Note: You can set the automatic download time for any time, day or night. Just be sure your computer is on at that time. (To avoid slow-downs, pick a time when you will not be using the computer yourself. The computer will need to be turned on, however.) If you set up Automatic Updates to notify you, or if you forget to leave your computer on, you will see a notification balloon. Click the notification balloon to review and install the updates.
Thanks for the head's up, Mike! I am scheduled for automatic updates, but sometimes I just click on Update Windows to get stuff before they send it. I guess this SP2 is not available to the great unwashed public just yet.

I found an update to install, however, Media Player 9, which was 9.7MB - it took my dial-up ONE HOUR AND FORTY THREE MINUTES at 14.4kps to download!!!!!

Needless to say -I'm waiting for the SP2 CD!!!

It downloaded about a week ago and installed yesterday on one of my stand-alones, not so keen on the process though as I have 7 machines that will all want to download the same upgrade on one connection...

I downloaded the whole 266 megabtyes last week and just copied it onto my other puter through the network...didn't have to download it a second time. (or seventh)
For those that still use a dialup connection, you can order a SP2 cd for free at:

If you have high speed internet and several XP computers to upgrade, you can download the 266 megabyte network administrator's version at: (you can then burn it to a CD or put it on a shared drive to install it on all your pc's)

Programs that have known issues with SP2 so far:

The best way to get it is to just turn on the automatic updates, if you have a broadband (cable, dsl, satellite, wireless, etc) connection. The version they distribute this way is only about 84(?) megabytes, and it comes down in the background while you are doing other things.

They are currently distributing it for XP HOME users only, and will eventually release it to XP PRO and XP CORPORATE users in the coming weeks. (They're giving network guys time to test and deploy it in large companies, because dozens of people downloading the same file at the same time would bring a corporate internet feed to its knees) These clients are almost always using the Pro version.

Hope these links are helpful!
You betcha, Mike!

I am in the habit of reformatting my 98SE computers annually and doing a clean reinstall of everything I need. (I don't think I'll try that with XP.) The WORST part of the process was downloading all the security updates.

So I ordered the security update CD. It was free. The shipping was free. And it contained all the updates for all the Windows versions through Feb 2004.

I think I'll order the new CD instead of spending the next three weeks downloading the new updates.
Thanks Mike (notice I say that nearly every week?)! I signed up for my CD to be shipped (they started shipping them yesterday and the ETA is 4 - 6 weeks!). Then they wanted me to register with MS for my .NET Passport. Looks fairly useless, to me at least.

But at least this way with the SP2 CD my Grumble time will be uninterrupted!
Much to my astonishment and shock, my SP2 CD was DELIVERED to my HOUSE today!!!!! I have lived here for 25 years and the Post Office doesn't deliver to my house!!! Purolator actually drove down my 500 foot weed-choked driveway. Amazing.

Just thought y'all should know in case y'all are hesitating to send for the CD.
Make sure you run ADAWARE or someother spyware killer before SP2, Otherwise it could lockup half way through, this is according to MS.
Ordered my CD 2 days ago and got it today, too bad I probably won't install it in 2 days.
The procedure to order the CD is in a link in Mike's post above. And ya wanna know the really weird thing - Microsoft is ENCOURAGING folks to SHARE this CD!!!!!!! Will wonders NEVER cease?
Wow (she sez again!) I just finished installing the SP2 - less than 50 minutes!!! So less than an hour to read all the stuff, disable the Nortons, install and re-enable the Nortons after restarting. Every thing seems to be intact. Cool.
It has a lot of issues with other security/firewall programs, because they made many changes in this area, but is otherwise well behaved.

Wizard and Specialtysoft sent emails to their customers a couple nights ago, asking them to hold off until they've had time to test SP2.

I put it on our Wizard machine yesterday, as a 5.1 beta tester, and it hasn't had any issues there. (I'm not a rental customer, so im not sure how the dialup for corners would fare) They're checking it thoroughly, with several configurations, before suggesting customers upgrade to SP2.

Our (Lifesaver) POS runs fine with sp2, which we tested a few weeks ago. You'll get a single prompt from the new firewall, the first time it does an online auto update. It asks if you trust the company and want to allow future electronic communications with them. "Allow or Block". (pick allow)

Norton, Quicken, PCAnywhere, Office, Pagemaker, Ad-Aware, Cadd, and any number of apps we use have been well behaved with it.

If you're upgrading, I'd do a quick check with your POS vendor first- to make sure it has already been tested and is ready to go. A virus scan, an adware scan, and turning off any running programs are a good idea.

Plan on it taking a couple hours to download and install, if you're on broadband. If you have a dialup, order the CD

In an hour, I'm off to consult for a local frame shop to replace their file server, upgrade their pos software, spyware scan, and install SP2 on all the terminals. Since they only have dialup, I had to burn all the utilities and SP2 on a cd. I'd probably be there a week otherwise!

Have a great weekend everyone

I ordered the cd and installed with no problems. I went to MS and printed out instructions. I closed all programs, disabled Norton, ran spybot and adaware before installation. When I did the restart, SP2 reset Norton and everything else. Now I am going to pass it on. I have xp professional.

I tried to do my back ups and for the like of me I wasn't able to do the ASR. The wizard told me to use a floppy but it would have taken days and a garage full of discs. I did do all of what I wanted to save of important data on a cd. I'll figure that one out another day.
I installed SP2 last night from a CD.

If you're considering this (and if you're an XP user, you should) be sure and visit and follow the instructions carefully. There may be issues with previously installed software and drivers. (I noticed Intuit Quicken mentioned. That could affect some of you.) There are links at the Microsoft site to computer manufacturers XP-SP2 sites to see if you need to update drivers or OEM software.

Even if you're installing from the CD, allow plenty of time - perhaps a few hours - for the full installation, though it proceeds on its own once it's started. The installation saves copies of your original XP files in case you want to uninstall SP2 and that takes some drive space, so make sure you have some to spare.

Once I have thoroughly tested all me applications, I expect to delete the backup files to free up a gig-or-two of drive space.

A question about SP2: Is there any reason I should consider using the SP2 firewall instead of the Norton Firewall I've been using? Right now I have Norton's activated and the Windows firewall shut off.
Ron, one thing I have noticed different, in Outlook Express pictures do not automatically show up. I have to click open, even the smilies, but that I don't mind. It is also blocking the popups even though I have the google popup which is sitting at the same number it was since I installed SP2.

The Pastor's computer at church was at the point of not doing anything but go to the internet. I gave him the CD and it cleaned it all up and working great now.
Yea they installed filters to block displaying pictures in emails, because people could easily use this to identify your IP address or run a script. They also did this in the current (2003) version of Outlook.

My google toolbar is useless now also, but I kept it installed to see the "Pagerank" of various pages. SP2 is stopping the popups and my google is stock forever at "5072".

Ron, the Norton firewall has more features - at the expense of a slower machine/overhead. If you're on broadband, I suggest installing a router device. A router will block EVERYTHING by default. (and let you share your internet feed with multiple computers) I don't put much trust in software based firewalls.

I have had a problem in one case with SP2, with regard to a conflict between a NETGEAR wireless network card and the new SP2 built in wireless networking. (the two keep fighting each other) No regrets otherwise, and i've installed SP2 more than 50 times now. In the shop we're using it with Wizard 5.1, Quicken, pcAnywhere 10.5, and LifeSaver 4.05

Does SP2 have any affect on networking?
My PC has XP, Diane's is running 98SE, and my notebook is running ME. It took some work to get them all talking to each other. They are all connected to a router which is connected to my cable modem. Will installing SP2 do anything to foul up my network?
We have a similar setup here and have had no problems. Our shop is on a network with two other family businesses (medical company, towing/repo company) in the same plaza. All of our computers are able to share common servers and printers, and SP2 didn't "break" anything.

Shop has XP Pro (Wizard) SP2, XP Home SP2 POS, 98SE Laptop. Other computers on our lan include 2 XP Pro machines SP2, 2 98SE machines, and 3 additional XP laptops. 3 of these are set up as servers.
Just heard on the tech forum today there is a Jpeg virus out and we all need to add another patch not only in windows but also in office.
Couple of quick SP2 questions:

Has anyone run into problems with Quicken or Quickbooks with SP2? There have been a few vague warnings, but no info on the Intuit site. I'm asking for a non-framer friend.

Also, once I am satisfied that everything is working just great with SP2 (which I am right now), how do I get rid of the 10 gigabytes or so of backup files that the installation program saved in case I don't like SP2? (I have a 10-gig hard drive on my laptop, and it's unhappy right now.)
two problems I've seen with SP2:

- A friend's computer seemed to be going slower, overall, and "osa9exe" (Microsoft Office's startup assistant) was freezing each time he shut down the computer. So he deleted that from his startup folder and rebooted and that fixed that.

- I found that some websites were loading extremely slowly, or not at all. These usually had embedded features (flash, iframes, etc). Turns out the spanking new firewall that came with SP2 was causing this, so I had to disable it.
Thanks. And for part B of my question:

There are a bunch (maybe a megabunch) of files saved in the Windows directory during installation of SP2. I believe they are the backup files in case I want to ditch SP2.

I don't. Can I safely delete these files?

BTW, in Windows Explorer, these files are in <font color=blue>blue</font>. I looked for a note that says, "These files can safely be deleted" but saw no such notice.
Good morning

I believe it just backs it up to a regular (very big) restore point, which will eventually get overwritten/erased automatically.

If you're confident your computer is stable and wish to erase it sooner:

Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Cleanup
and in 'More Options' click the bottom button to remove all but the most recent restore point

Delete the hidden folder of files that would be restored by an Uninstall: C:\Windows\$NTServicePackUninstall
Once done, if you try to use the 'Remove' for Service pack 2 in Add/remove programs, that will fail and offer to remove itself

There may also be a large folder C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download
depending on how you did the installation. That can also be deleted

I just freed up about 1.5 gigs of much-needed hard drive space, mostly by following Mike's concise instructions and doing a few other housekeeping chores.

I still have a large new folder under Windows called ServicePackFiles. All the files are in a subfolder called i386 and the largest single file (at about 18 megs) is

This looks like the SP2 installation files and I'll bet I can delete them. Sound about right?
I wouldn't suggest touching those.

Service packs and changes in the future may need to look back on these compressed files to extract components.
