Windows Critical Security Update 4/12/06

Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
Just a reminder that it might be a good time to manually run a Windows Update, in case your software needs manual updating- and to make sure it is current.

Microsoft released 3 vital/critical patches today, to patch some potentially serious exploits.

You can get there by clicking on START -> ALL PROGRAMS -> WINDOWS UPDATE

or visit

Make sure your work is saved and your POS is closed, because this update requires a REBOOT. If you are out of date, you may have the repeat the process multiple times to get all the updates.

Thanks for the reminder, Mike! I thought the updates were coming on Tuesday so when I read your post just now it reminded me to go to their website to check.

The information said I was set up with automatic updates (maybe they hadn't gotten around to me yet?) but I ended up with both an upGRADE and multiple upDATES!!!

I updated 28 pc's yesterday, and was alarmed that about half needed additional updates of the update center itself - which didn't come through automatically. It's also possible that some of these users ignored pop ups asking them to install previous updates.

That's what inspired the post, suggesting folks give it a manual check. It certainly won't hurt anything.

Have a great weekend!
bumped as a reminder.
There appears to be an update to the automatic update utility. Ironically, it's not automatically updated, so you have to go to the Windows update site and update it manually.

That process seems poorly conceived, but fun to describe.
Ron, thanks for such a wry description - one of your hugest talents!

One would think that amongst all of the "critical update" hoopla they would have mentioned that it had to be done manually?!?