Rick Granick submitted a new resource:
"Windmill" Installation Instructions for BevelAccents - Useful for installing bevelled strips of matboard or covered foamboard to create deep bevel effects.
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"Windmill" Installation Instructions for BevelAccents - Useful for installing bevelled strips of matboard or covered foamboard to create deep bevel effects.
Instruction Brochure included in boxes of Bainbridge BevelAccents (now discontinued). Can be used to install edge-bevelled strips of matboard or covered foamcore within the sight opening of a cut mat to create the appearance of a cut deep bevel.
When using this technique, first make a small mock-up of whatever bevel depth(s) you intend to install. (If more than one layer, ATG them together as needed with the bevels aligned.) Measure the width from the sight inner edge to the top edge of...
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