why websites won't load?


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 12, 2001
Middleburg, FL
semi retired
I'm wondering why websites sometimes won't load?

I tried to get into my Yahoo mail account this morning and it just won't open.
I just hooked up a new computer at home so naturally I figured there was something wrong there.
I came to work and it won't load here either.
It's frustrating since that is the email account that I use the most.
Can someone tell me why this happens?
Hi Deb

Yahoo mail appears to be up at the moment, although they have been having serious reliability problems for 3 days in a row. I don't know if they're being flooded by hackers or just having a technical issue. Paypal had a similar issue last week, but theirs was due to a botched system upgrade.

This can happen for a variety of reasons. Basically, somewhere between your computer and their server, there's a problem. Your bits and bytes probably pass through more than a dozen computers on their way to Yahoo, and may dart all over the world. It's only as good as the weakest link...

Most likely their servers were experiencing a higher than expected demand, and were pushed beyond their capacity. The server software is probably set to accept a certain number of simultaneous sessions, and to ignore anyone above that limit. Without such limits, it would slow the server down and affect everyone. In their case, they probably have a huge network of servers to handle this task.

I don't know why you were unable to get your mail this morning, but these are some possible/common reasons.

Thanks Mike. I still can't get into my mailbox but at least I have a little better understanding of why this is happening.
Uh, Tim, it wasn't my website that wouldn't load.

Your post did cause me to update my profile though. Thanks for the reminder.
Your new website looks great!
