Hi Terry-You get a gold star for "getting" the class. Many do not and there are many like Framar just don't want to. As he says, "His shop-his rules". Your mention of the "free filet" promo was one of the many that have worked really well on many different levels. And, for everyone that works well, bet the farm, that we have run some that were, uh, not so successful. Some of flat stunk up the joint.
We do take a Babe Ruth approach to promotions. We are always swinging for the fences, but we do strike out every so often. But, we do try and keep 'em coming back to see our next "at bat".
Everybody can do something to create a little sizzle. Plan right, buy right, execute correctly and you just might hit one out of the park. Our last Holiday Promo was a grand slam on several levels
I certainly agree that it is his shop to do with as he wishes, but I am not too sure that it is something that we ought to recommend to others. One thing that scares me about this forum is that while information does go out at the speed of light, bad information goes out at the same speed. And someone, somehwere might read it and think it is wise. We just need to be careful about cutting our noses off to spite our... well, you know what I mean
And, Framar, right before you kick ol'Thom out, will you please send him my way? Not only will I take that $1 million, I'll even send you a crisp $100 bill for your referral
Our good friend, Jim, brings up a good point about selling what we like. We all do it; it's human nature. But, the smarter merchant will sell what the consumer likes, too. And, it is just easier to sell from a full wagon than from an empty one.
For those products that we just don't like, I would suggest that you just don't buy them for yourself. But, I sure don't have any problem with letting the consumer make up his own mind.
But, one last suggestion: If you truly will not sell a product for whatever reason, throw it away. Don't even allow the consumer to see it. If it does come up, your negativity on that product could surely jeopardize the entire presentation. It is easier to say you do not carry a certain product that to sell it badly