PFG, Picture Framing God
All I want to do is put a new feature on my Palm. I tried to download it and the 'puter said that there is a corrupted blahblah. (This message has been showing up for a while, but when trying to open attachments which I don't like anyway) So I tried reinstalling Adobe Acrobat Reader (the free one) and it says "Corrupt cabinet file" So I ran a search on 'cabinet file' and there is a whole list of programs that have that text in it. It won't install the Acrobat and that seems to be the gateway to download all that I want... PLEEZ tell me that either 1) there is an easy way to fix it or b) I just need a new computer. (I have this tendency to be like my grandfather. It doesn't work? Buy a new one. He had the brakes freeze up on a car one time. Went to the closest house, called a dealership, had them bring a new car, wrote a check for it and left the old car with the salesman that showed up... Like that man's style!