Who's Your Competition?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
May 8, 2003
Lubbock, Texas
It may be closer than you think!



Saw some up close yesterday, lousy framing and awful matting. Who makes this stuff for them?

Our post office has carried these for over 5 years
No big deal!~ most stamp collectors don't fram anyway it is a spurr of the moment purchase!~ Grab a hand full and frame them in you shop!` You will get people wanting to buy the samples but would not think about buying the satmps to bring in!~ Go figure!~

Competition Maryanne said it Gasoline and Natural gas!~ Then Resturants and Home depot are probably the ones who eat up the loss cash the most!~
I could also say BB's!~ But then I would have to include the 6-8 other independent frame shops in the area!~ These are not so much competition as the afore mentioned HD,Resturants, Gas, & Gasoline!`At least they make people aware of custom framing!~
My favorite salesman believes if people can't travel so much and spend more time at home looking at their walls, they'll spend their disposable money on framing!
That's why I love talking to him, he's always so positive!
I'm hoping that the gas prices, altho they're coming down, will mean people will shop closer to home and not drive 3-5 miles to shop a competitor. But who knows? I find the most difficult part of this business is trying to guess what the consumer is going to do and what affects their buying decisions.

Too bad magazines dont teach that stuff acccurately.
I've got a good ad headline:

"Would you drop your grandmother off at walmart?"

----insert 20 second skit of a car skidding up to a walmart, a cute old woman with cane, say early 80's exiting car, car screatches away. Old woman is then in store sourounded by busteling, crowded confusion of mass market commerce, people rushing and pushing past her with large boxes of shrunk wrapped, perpackaged goods. She possible exclaims something like "oOOoo".---

"So why would you put her in a walmart picture frame?"

What do you all think? Could I get in trouble for saying that? Any ideas on improving it?
Our largest competitors are chain stores like Hobby Lobby and Michaels, but they usually send lots of clientelle our way because we can get things done the same day/or do more complicated things in a smaller amount of time/etc.

I always find it odd though when customers come in and they have been referred there by a larger chain.