Who ordered the COLOR?

Jay H

PFG, Picture Framing God
Dec 8, 2003
Clockwise I'm calling these;

Smoke on the Water
Orange Margarita
Red Hot Thong


More pictures to follow.

06 is about to get freaky. I'm thinking about a Grand Re-Opening promotion where the first 100 ladies gets a free bikini. Yes-no-maybe?

If Don wants a one on one in the boardroom, tell him I'm in the hot tub and I'll call him later!

Carry on.
Jay, your walls wil look good. The only thing I would say is that we are actually in the process of getting rid of our orange, people are not using it as much in the last year. Another color to look at may be a purple.

The bikini thing...would not think you would get good press out of that one, but bad press is better than no press right????
I'm thinking Wesson Oil and Tempra Wrestling... in bikinis...

STOP THAT JAY! Put your pants back on... you nasty boy.

Tim started it!!
OK, I just looked at the names of the paint and had a flashback from spring break 1990 in south padre island....those were the days!

Baer..i would never start anything, I am an angel.

Ganja? Maybe the color is off a little on my monitor but if it's not I wouldn't smoke it!
If no bikini, how about a gift certificate to a treat a a local spa - let them get a bikini treatment :cool:
Those are some CLASSY colors. I can't wait to see the pictures.

Don't know who ordered it, but it looks good on ya!

(the paint, of course)

I did something similiar last year in an effort to find a pleasing backdrop to most any framed artwork.

Except the orange was a poiple, and the "red thong" was deeper red, less pink-y.

Nice, tho. Let us know how the painting bikini party turns out.
Ganja? Maybe the color is off a little on my monitor but if it's not I wouldn't smoke it!

Agreed. Should be more green. Never mind about the little red hairs.
Looks good J.
What about the Amber we were talking about?

I'm guessing the Ganga is the main wall color?

Which are going to be accent wall colors & which for trim?

But I'm betting you'll have it done today so I will wait for the photos.
Upon further review I have learned that I passed on the Ganja. I went with Bong Water....thats the name of this one. Does that sound more accurate?
To me the Ganja (Bong Water) looks suspiciously like necrotic pancreas, … but what do I know?

Why not call the folks on Trading Spaces? They’ll use all of you colors in a heartbeat – on your mat cutter, corner samples and small furry pets.
Yea bong water is much closer. Are you opening a bar/lingerie/head shop?
It's hard to tell for sure because of monitor calibration etc., but the upper right color (ganja or whatever) looks a lot like Sherwin Williams's color "Slippery Rock", which is my absolute favorite wall color.
:cool: Rick
Hey Jay-This fits into the "What it's worth" Dept. We just recently finished a major remodel at t estore your dad visited. Now, appreciate that everything thing had to be approved by Landlord-every color, every fabric-everything

The reason they do it is to ensure that they get a certain look that fits the environment, but really because they have a much better sense of what trends consumers are favorable to across the country. Every so many years, you tend to see color palletes and design trends that come and go. Who wants to have that grey and mauve pallete that was so popular times past?

Now, there is still plenty of flexibility in the planning stage and you will see some "interesting" color schemes in design trends.

But, the colors we choose (or that our architect/planner selected for us) were very neutral, tone on tone.

After all, we have a ton of color in the 200 or so framed art pieces on the wall that are as colorful as we like.

That is after all what we sell
First of all Bob, “cool” is subjective. And I don’t call “cool tones” cool at all. In fact they nauseate me (ok I’m being a bit over dramatic but I haven’t actually slept in 3 days).

I haven’t officially shared this but I’m moving (yes again). I was sought out and they made me a deal I couldn’t refuse. I’ll share plenty more details when I get everything done and have time to share the personal interest I have with this building.

For now just suffice it to say that it’s a 100-year-old building. Neutral anything just wouldn’t fly here.

Here is the only shot I could get with all four colors.


And some curb bling!


We drive really fast here!


You will notice the 5 lights reflected in the 3rd window on the second floor. That’s the Owensboro Bridge that crosses the Ohio River. Yep I’m overlooking that baby. Sweet.

I’ll share more later.


PS yes they all came from Sherwin Wiliams.
I would like to talk a bit more about “design” of our shops.

Bob you know restaurants right? Ever wonder why the first restaurant started throwing peanut shells on the floor? Perhaps you could share why that one bar out your way staples signed bills to the walls and ceiling and floors and bar? Maybe you know why all Ruby Tuesday’s have Tiffany lamps? Or why Fridays has their servers wear those ridiculous suspenders with pieces of “flare” on them? Maybe you could share why the restaurant in Florida openly insult the h*ll out of you. The last time I was there they put a hat on me that said “I love Bubbles” and a hat on my male friend that said, “HI, I’m Bubbles”.

The answer to all these things are because they want their customers to REMEMBER them. You know I find that the actual menus of most of these restaurants vary very little. Some of the “steakhouses” tend not to vary at all. In fact the only way to know what restaurant your in is by the crap hanging on the wall.

Pop quiz.

If your in a restaurant that has several guitars, an Elvis Suit, hand written documents (contracts…lyrics….play lists), and the microphone that Jim Morrison recorded “Love Me Two Times” with hanging on the walls, what restaurant are you in?

You keep suggesting we do what the BIG BOYS do. Well they are doing some of the dumbest things you can imagine to be remembered. The fact that I have the list above is proof that it WORKS. I could add a few more restaurant gimmicks that come to mind but the point is made.

So why on God's green Earth would you want a store that looks like everybody else’s?

Have you been to a Starbucks lately? Perhaps your “know it all” designer might want to call them up and tell them that they are out of style and are doing it AAAAAAAALLLLLLLL wrong. I haven’t ever been in a Starbucks in my life. But they just built one here and I can see from the street that its not “cool tones” in there. Them idiots! They probably wont be around long.

Next you’re going to tell me wing tips are hip? (insert that stupid smily thing here)

Again I’m being over dramatic but my point stands.

[ 03-30-2006, 12:44 AM: Message edited by: Jay H ]
Jay - the place looks great - long way from GreatAngles 1.0. "Live nudes" :eek: (inside joke here) custom framing on O'boro, KY - who'd think of it?!

Now put down the paintbrush and get some sleep!

BTW thanks in advance - I think I know my next project....
Thanks Tony but it's moving day. I guess I made it to bed around 11:30 then 5:45 I was up again like I had been in a 4 month hibernation. I have a feeling that next week I will crash hard. Hopefully thats a positive experiance.

I am going to put up the stripper lights although I don't think I'm going to have Live Nudes.
Jay, don't forget the stripper poles this time.
Jay is a stripper??? Ok I got a buck to spare, big boy over here!!!!

Hey I think it looks good, and a lasting impression is what makes people remember you. Yeah I said something real dumb there, but you get the drift. So don't forget to give us more pics after you get some sleep. Good luck!

What else do you got going on around the shop? Is this a downtown sapce or what...I am not to hip on that area. Fill me in.It looks neat from the outside, and you have just started.


Everything looks great. Glad to see someone classing up that side of the river. The shots of the building both inside and out look like you have a winner there. Now to attract a better class of customer you should switch from bikini babes to lingerie models.

Knock em dead!!!
Orange makes people hungry. (Check out your local fast-junk place, like Burger King.)

Keep candy on the counter, and everyone will be very happy!
Whoa, Jay-I said that itwas for what it's worth. I'm sorry it wasn't worth much to you

I guess when you fill those windows with art, then maybe I'll get a better sense of your direction

I was just sharing what people that do designs for a living were suggesting

Didn't say anything about "cool",either
I'm grouchy Bob. I'll get over it.

Today was to be my last day of moving but they are predicting rain all day. Hopefully tomorrow will get everything moved. Opening on monday doesn't look promising at all.
Jay are you having a soft opening? Get the kinks out then do a grand opening later on?

I am intersted to see how it looks in the end, as we all are. Good luck, only a little further to go. I think the thing that drives me crazy, is moving. It is the biggest hassle. Keep it up only a few more days!!!

I thought the mall location would have worked.

Guess it was way too many retail hours. I seem to remember that conversation not too long ago.

The new place looks great!

Will there be built in foot traffic from neighboring businesses? I hope so.

Looks like you are on the right path.
No problem, Jay

Moves are a lot of work

We'll talk when the dust setles

Good luck
That would be great Bob.

Jerry, the mall would have worked.

Now I can say with a great deal of authority that a mall is a TOTALLY different environment. Not better or worse just a totally different.

I actually will probably go back for the holidays but again it will be to cater to that animal that is the mall.

I could write a book about what I have learned and I probably will unload here on the G one day soon. But mostly what I learned was that I didn't like it and can't operate there properly. Those two things are probably mutually inclusive. We all want to do our absolute best and when we can't we tend to not enjoy it. There are pro's and con's to everything and location certainly no exception. I'm giving up some by leaving but gaining more.

As a footnote, I wasn't looking to leave the mall. I was recruited for this space.
Jay is correct in that we need to find the environment (both mentally and physically) where we operate well

If I had a dollar for everytime that someone has told me how wrong it is to operate how I do...

Look at a few notables (and I'll name names) like Warren, Jay Goltz, Marc Bluestone and William Parker. Each is pretty successful and I'll make an unverified quantuum leap of faith and suggest that each takes home a much nicer paycheck than average.

And, what do they have in common in terms of Business Model? Hardly anything

Notice I did not include this humble poster in that elite group. I am certain I would be the caboose on that train.

The point? Some folks just make it work where others do not. This reaffirms that often it is the person more than the system. Yet, we often spring to criticize the method.

For my money, bet on the operator more than the operation. I'll bet that any could distinguish his ability in a mall just as well as if he was a Designer Only Business or a Rock Bottom Pricing model.

These notables have simply selected that path most comfortable to them. I beleive people flourish best when in an environment best suited to their personality.

I suspect Jay will do similarly

And my personal inside bet is that come October, he might just be looking to do a temp deal back in the mall

I'll give 8 to 5 money on any bets today
Just as an aside,
I'll throw in my 2 cents about the dept. store
strategy of neutral walls--

The stores I have been involved in opening in the past usually ranged in the 250,000 sq. ft. size and the colors selected were very neutral.

The reason being was primarily because those types of stores move a tremendous amount of merch through in a very short window of time.
Even while the merch was "live" (on the floor), it would usually move within the dept. every couple of weeks.

New merch was always front and forward,
2nd newest merch was always rotated to the back wall. There was no WAY a store of that volume could be repainting walls to reflect the trends.

However, "trend" colors were prominant and rotated 4 times a year through the use of a store wide "trim". The color palette would change dramatically to reflect the hottest trends in fashion and home decor colors and style. This was managed by silkscreened banners, fabric covered wall panels, valance trim, floral arrangements, etc....
These colors would also be relected within the advertising and marketing materials for that quarter.

I would have loved to be able to paint walls in the stores, but there was also two other reasons:

1) Painters Unions. by the time you put in a requisition and go through the necessary steps, the trend was over.
2) This allowed a more professional, consistent look to the stores. Believe me when I say that there were/are visual managers that you do NOT want having a liscense to paint walls at their whim.

Having said all of that, I love the fact that I can now change my wall colors whenever I want. We work closely w/ interior designers and try to reflect what is trending on the walls of higher end homes. It certainly helps to sell artwork when they can "see" what it would look like on their walls. (As long as there is a "flow" to the colors and you would certainly want a mix of neutral and accent colors)

All of our businesses are so different that it is really hard to say what will work for whom.
It is truly a case by case scenerio and much more complex than a blanket statement.

Now, a handy website for color planning (and they have a WEALTH of info that can be tapped for our stores)is

I highly recommend putting this website in your "favorites" list.