Which pictures in your window this week?


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Mar 10, 2004
Now showing at Teviot Frames, in a special promotion of the Scottish and US alliance,we proudly present this fabulous face to face pairing. In the right hand corner "Whistler's Mother", a superb study in greys and black, and in the left hand corner Vettriano's "In Thoughts of You", a younger but sharper piece of work.
Similar poses, but now the young pretender is brought face to face with the seasoned campaigner.
Opinions vary sharply on who will win this eagerly awaited contest. Result due May 10th.
Guess my window would be rather boring in comparison, but it has stirred alot of interest from shoppers. Framed album - Honky Chateau autographed by Elton John, framed Hotel California album signed by the Eagles, autographed photo of BB King performing, and a large NASCAR shadowbox. All the music related framing is for one guy who is an avid collector. He was so proud of how they all turned out that he allowed me to keep 'em over the wkend and will be picking them up in the morning and dropping off two more albums for framing to add to his collection.
I have a picture of Chief Joseph, chief of the Nez Perce tribe. This is a reproduction taken by Edward Curtis in 1903.
I'm still trying to figure out what kind of window I should do for May. I'm leaning towards car racing. For June I'm doing Fine Wines and Vineyards. Last June I did Weddings and the year before Graduations. Very traditional. I want to be more creatative this year.

If I had a window it would be "Low Carb Framing available here!"

Hey, why not? Everybody else is selling "Low Carb" something! (I even wrote an article about it that will be out in the May issue of Art and Frame Review!)

I'd have a cooking display and say "Whether you want 'comfort foods' (traditional framing) or a 'Low Carb' menu (cutting edge design) we can 'cook up a combo' just for you!


I second you!

PS Just got a flames jersey - signed by the whole team!!

Will make a nice display don't ya think?
We had one of dogs playing poker by Coolidge and The Hustler by Sarnoff of dogs playing pool. It was a real campy window and got a lot of notice. We sold prints and got people to come in the shop who otherwise would have passed us by. It was definitely a fun window.
We have two very large Warhol Daisies hanging (drymounted and suspended from fish line). They look to be floating mid air. Along the front of the window we have 12 wild looking bud vases from IKEA with one gerber daisy in each vase. Very striking -lots and lots of comments - and it generated prints sales (along with corresponding framing sales.
I actually have all our windows planned for the year - a first with us!
We have an oil of roses by James Stuart Park on the main easel.I have two J.D.Fergusson drawings on the side wall and a couple of DY Cameron etchings lying on the top.

BTW the Whistler wins by a country mile.Jack the lad canny paint I,m afraid.I have framed a number of his originals and they are all really badly painted.

The frames are quite good though...
<font size=1>I am so sorry she said in a whisper......</font size>I realized I made a disparaging remark about Jack Vettriano in another thread. I don't want to upset the Scots......I have liked his work in the past, I am just do blasted sick of seeing it. Pleases accept my sincerest apologies to all of Scotland. If it makes a difference, I once called Monet a "hack" only out of sheer desparation of framing one more bridge or lily pad. I also refer to Bev Doolittle as the "Where's Waldo" of the art work.

There, now my job is done. I have offended Scotland, France and Americans all in one fell swoop......

Oh yeah, the topic at hand....I have been rotating a series of Olbinski's opera series in my window. Currently we have "Cinderella", next week it is "Tosca". Hopefully, I have a customer who wandered by and was entranced by the Cinderella one that I looked them up on line and she has picked 5 to do, all prints on canvas too. She was taken by all the Roma frames I have them in too. We will see. Promises, promises.
Opinion is very divided about Jack the lad over in Scotland.People who like and know about fine art tend to think his work is fairly poor,badly painted and done with one eye on the old bank account.I reckon he is a kind of low key Kinkade type although with a slight nod towards decent figurative painters.

There isnt a single work of Vettrianos represented in any public gallery in the country of his birth.He tends to appeal to the middle classes who generally do most of the "art" buying and he is therefore popular at the moment.There is a pretty big debate going on in Scotland about Jacks work.

Unfortunately the poo pooing of his work by art critics tends to give the impression of snobbery particularly when his work is so popular with the punters.

One of his paintings was recently sold for 750000 pounds sterling which is pretty incredible really.

Maybe it shows that he is really a bit hitter in the art world and that the critics know nothing or maybe some guy had more money than sense.

Either way my opinion of his work is that it is incredibly flat and it has no painterly qualities and they look much better in print than they do in real life.

That said I wish I was the guy who had bought the picture for 3000 and flogged it for quarter of a million.
Kathy It's just a matter of opinion. You either like or you don't like. You are also allowed to change your mind! There is no artistic police force yet although there are some who think there ought to be;and that they should be in charge. Hitler and Stalin had much the same idea.
By the way you cannot insult Scotland. I know,I am an Englishman living amongst the friendliest folk you can imagine, here in the Scottish Borders.
Incidently, your use of "in one fell swoop" reminded me of my Dad's version "in one foul sweep"!
Reynard Most artists both past and present have had to keep BOTH eyes on "the old bank account".

Shop window news - Whistler's Mum is on her own. Someone paid us money and carried off Vettriano's piece.
I imagine most artists do check the bank accounts regularly.Vettriano is a rich man through his paintings and his print sales in particular.I don`t mind people liking his work at all and I am quite happy to take money off anyone who wants them framed.Just dont try and convince me that his work has any artistic merit.I have had a right good look at a number of his paintings and they have all been pretty clumsily painted.

Certainly in comparison to a master like Whistler he really gets shown up.

If any of you golf lovers are coming over to Troon for The Open this year then you can kip down at our place.We are five minutes walk from the train station and Troon is ten minutes up the road.

Make your own breakfast.