Here's a pretty good one:
Dell Inspiron 1100 Notebook, P4 2.4GHz, 15" XGA, 128MB, 30GB, 24x CD-RW, XP Home:
$849 including shipping ((or $699 with a 2.0Ghz Celeron))
Dell Small Business: LINK TO PRODUCT
Under "Inspiron 1100" section, change the selection to "Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor,2.2GHz,15 XGA [add $150 or $4/month1]"
Under "Fixed CD/DVD Drives" section, change the selection to "24X CD-RW with Roxios Easy CD Creator"
Under "Mail-In Rebate Offer" section, check the box for "$100 Mail in Rebate"
Under "Hard Drives" section, change the selection to "FREE Upgrade! 30GB Ultra ATA Hard Drive"
Make sure to look over all of your options
Scroll Down and click on "Update Price"
Scroll Down and click on "Continue"
On next page, Scroll Down and again Click on "Continue"
On next page, Scroll Down and Click on "Add to Cart"
There is a $100 rebate on this system
Dell Small Biz is offering Free Shipping on new system purchases
Your Final Price: $949 - $100 = $849.00 + Free Shipping