Which is the less of two evils?Rugs Need Black Board 42 x 65: Reg. Foamcore or Gator

Aug 13, 2001
Coronado, CA, USA
Hi Everyone,
My clients brought in two large oriental rugs for me to mount and frame. They don't want to pay for fabric wrap and want a black backround.
So between 48 x 96 Reg. Foamcore and 48 x 96 Black Gator board which will be less acidic or the better choice. My O.D. on the large is 42 X 65.

Also, I am going to sew down these rugs, any advice on using carpet tape or any other tricks to share with me to help mount these????

Thanks hope all is well in your business.
Mount rag board to the gater. It's the stiffer and stays flatter.

don't you just love people who spend $2,000 on a prayer rug and $185 on the frame.

Let me guess, clear acrylic not OP3? Or no glazing at all.

On Coronado, I'd suggest peel & stick velcro on the wall and stitch down on the back of rug and call it good. You have a steady 82% humidity, that in the summer can spike to 95%.

There is more to worry about then what backing.
Can you give us some more info as to what else is to be done. I. E. type of frame, projected charges etc.

That is before we collectively tell your client to take the preverbially "a flying leap" ;)
After a stint in the Middle East 30 years ago, our family came home with lots of rugs, and several different prayer rugs.

My crazy father nailed the largest one to the wall- he thought it was too pretty to walk on. (but not too pretty to NAIL through the fibers??)

My point, I guess, is this. Those rugs have been mounted over and over, sev. different ways in different houses, walked all over (now) and so on. They are quite durable, and 30 years later, without UV protection, Scotchguarding, etc. (only the protection of my mother) they are still beautiful.

If they don't want to pay to have them framed correctly, I would start talking about them as useful items around the house.
i'm with baer, mount blk rag to nat'l gator with raphael's miracle muck or equivalent. then sew 'em down.
i was thinking of mounting black rag to coroplast-two sheets, that run cross grain. laminating it esentially. it is really strong. coroplast is harder to sew through, but i think it is better than gator and costs less?

Rag board is NOT a barrier! Look at a piece in a microscope and it looks like a scotchbrite pad. Quite porous. Rag also expands and contracts a lot with changes in humidity. I would be concerned with bowing on a piece that big. A thin sheet of aluminum bonded to the painted Gatorboard might be a better solution. Aluminum is a barrier.
i got it..diebond if that is spelled correct would work well. it is strong. otherwise you could use fluted mtel cardboard...i forget the name, but you get the idea.
Are the rugs made of wool? If that is the case, it
is very important that bugs be kept out of the frame. The love wool and they hate the light, so
they will work from the back, where the damage
can't be seen until it is too late. None of the
backing materials mentioned is acidic enough to
challenge the wool, much, rugs do fine on oak
floors, but whatever you use must take the weight
of the rug and should allow you to spead the load
our, so that no part of the rug is unduly stessed.
Ron's point, about not bending too far to
accommodate frugal clients must be kept in mind.
