Where's my mail folder?


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jul 30, 2000
Woodland Hills, CA
This sounds really silly -- but I can't find the folder on my computer that stores my e-mail. I use Outlook Express. I used whatever defaults the system likes -- and I know it is some seemingly obscure place and believe some non obvious named folder.....and unless one changed from the default at some point, most of us have it in the same place. Does anyone out there have a clue on how to find this folder through Explorer?

Why would I want such a thing? -- Well, one of my Apple using friends sent me a photo that I would like to capture for other uses -- but I can't do it the way I normally would and am hoping I can find it through Explorer.

Plus, it just seems like I Should Know where my mail hides on my computer!

Why don't you simply click on the Jpeg as it appears in the e-mail in your Inbox and do a "save as" to your "My documents" file or wherever you want to save it.

You can right click on your Outlook Express icon in your desktop and copy the "target" address or simply click on find target.

Mine is located at "C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe" and yours should be something like this.

And I want to thank you. With this post, I win a free tattoo from Unca Zippy. Any tattoo, put anywhere!!

Thanks for the input. Of course, it works -- but I was trying to do it from the Image Viewer -- where there are no menu commands..............see, I said it was silly!

And, since this particular MAC user has trouble getting others to be able to see her e mailed Jpegs, went off into never never land when I couldn't copy the jpeg. Duh.

Between our two posts I did "get" the picture, all on my own, so that part of the subject is moot. (I dragged the icon to the desktop -- and voila, it was there -- and then, of course, even I could find it!)

But, I still would like to know where my darn mail folder is. msimn.exe is an execute file and opens Outlook Express and things are warped enough today that I couldn't figure out what else to do with it. I found it (them) one time when I needed to copy mail from one computer to another....

And, to really add to the mystery I did a full "find" and the file was only found on my desktop where I'd dragged a copy to (though it is still in my mailbox, too). I did both file name and "full" search. I think I'm in the twilight zone. I would have thought an attachment would be a file name.jpeg --- and, if not, it certainly should be in the "all files". No worries, just seems odd.

Hope you like your tattoooooooo!

That location that Framerguy gave you is for the executable Outlook Express program. He's had a long week.

To find the folder where your messages are stored:
  • From outlook Express, click on 'tools' </font>
  • Click on 'options' </font>
  • Click on the 'maintenance' tab </font>
  • Click on the 'store folder' button - a window pops up with the name of the storage folder </font>
As a practical matter, I don't believe this will help you open the photo attachment. The only time I've ever found it useful to even know where this folder is was when my 'C' drive was getting too full of mail and I wanted to change the storage folder over to a second, 'D' drive. This button mentioned above gives you the option to do that.
Good luck.

Framerguy, for that answer you get this tattoo, applied with an awl and Mat Magic Powders:
Hey! Way Cool! But I also want the pocket protector AND the chewed-top bic.

Otherwise it goes on Dogzilla's forehead and YOU'RE gonna do it!!

Framerguy, born to be networked!
Originally posted by rosetl:
And, to really add to the mystery I did a full "find" and the file was only found on my desktop where I'd dragged a copy to (though it is still in my mailbox, too). I did both file name and "full" search. I think I'm in the twilight zone. I would have thought an attachment would be a file name.jpeg --- and, if not, it certainly should be in the "all files". No worries, just seems odd.
The reason that message folder is pretty much useless is that all messages and attachments stored there are compressed and coded. You can't just reach in there and pull out a single file or message without going through Outlook Express.

In fact, if you saved that storage folder and then suffered a complete hard drive crash, it would take someone a lot smarter than me (someone like my daughter, The Digital Diva) to restore your email messages to a useable form.
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
In fact, if you saved that storage folder and then suffered a complete hard drive crash, it would take someone a lot smarter than me (someone like my daughter, The Digital Diva) to restore your email messages to a useable form.
Actually, I think even you could do it, Ron. All you have to do is go to the "File" menu, select "Import" and "Messages", and tell it where to look. 59 Days later (if you have lots of useless mail) it's there again.
Thanks, David. That's extremely helpful. This has come up a few times when I've reformatted my hard drive and did a new, clean install. I've never figured out how to back up my email folders. I noticed you can't just copy them back onto the hard drive and expect Outlook Express to recognize them. I've never tried the import function for this. It makes sense, and I appreciate it.
See Now I coulda told you that Ron, but David beat me to it. 100% correct, you've been there once or twice. Since I just got back from New Orleans, I'm playing with the DSL he hooked up whilest I was gone, and Goodness Gracious Great BALLS of FIRE.

Hope you have better luck keeping your Appleton Buddy John in control.