Where to find Framing Supplies in Seattle


Grumbler in Training
Feb 14, 2005
Hello everyone!

I'm looking for a great place in Seattle to buy framing supplies such as molding, plexi glass and mats. I'm just a hobbiest at the moment, but hope to one day sell my framed photographs and so unfortunately I can't buy from wholesale suppliers such as Larson-Juhl. Anyone know of any great places I could try? Well thanks for you help!
Meshelle -
Welcome to The Grumble!
Why not contact a frame shop in your area? Some shops offer DYI - they will sell you chopped moulding, you use their mitre vises to assemble your frames w/ some guidance from the owner/staff.
You might have to do some searching though - with all the liability concerns, most shops have stopped offering this service.

If you're down-town go talk to Molly at Seattle Art Supply.

If you're near the U go talk to Molly at Seattle Art Supply.

If you are out for an afternoon walk near Pikes Market, go drop in and maybe strike up a conversation with Molly Boone-Neese, President of the Evergreen Picture Framers Guild.

Did I happen to mention that she is also the head framer at the Seattle Art Supply?

PS: Welcome to the Grumble. We need more Left Coasters here.

Ok Terry, where would you send her?
Welcome Meshelle, try Jayeness Moulding if you have a resale license. In the North end drop by and see me at Lake City Picture Framing. In the South end see Terry Scidmore at the Mitered Corner. Come to the festival at the Evergreen Picture Framers Guild on March 20th. And if you can not make the fesitval, come to a local meeting. Call Molly Boone for more info or call me at 206-363-2100 and I will answer any questions I can to help you.

Good Luck,
Lynn Clark
Thank you Lynn. The festival sounds like fun and I'll try to stop by Lake City Framing sometime real soon. What do you know about gaining a resale license? Well, thanks for the ray of hope everyone; I've got some good leads to follow and look forward to some fun framing!
