Where did it go?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS
I am always logged on to TG... but just a few minutes ago when I collapsed the window to help a customer - when I came back I had been logged off even though I hadn't done it. (I had to find my login information since it has been MONTHS since I last logged on).

I am wondering where the button went that directs you to just the new posts within a thread? Did it disappear or is it my computer?

Just wondering...

Thanks, Roz

PS I see the term "frankenthread" used... what does that refer to?! Or is that a dumb question! :confused:
Roz, A Frankenthread happens when someone derails the train of thought in any particular thread by starting in on a new topic entirely and then others join in, discussing the new topic as well as the original topic and pretty soon the thread starts getting stitched together and confusing (not to mention usually hilarious).
