Where can I get a 'criss cross' frame?


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 10, 1999
Howards retired
You know... the kind that were popular in the 20s or so. Arms stuck out in all 4 directions beyond the rectangle. Lots of them were around needlework... I need them in custom sizes. Thanks, guys! (midwestern 'guys'; equivalent to southern 'y'all' )
Ellen, I think I have a source for those, but I won't have a chance to look for it for a few days.

If you haven't found anything in a week or so, e-mail me to remind me.

I haven’t used them for years, but I used to carry a line from Crossroads Distributors in Jackson, MS. The last number I have from them is (601) 373-5172.

They don’t seem to have a web site that I can find.

Crossroads doesn't show them in their current catalog but you might give them a call anyway. They may have some lying around in the back room.

Their number is 800-237-7488.

I'm not quite sure why I am compelled to write this but LeeWards used to carry them........

Hope that helps Ellen!
Hey Ellen..there are bazoodles of those things hanging around New England antique shops..well, at least in Maine there is. I have not seen anywhere to get new ones, if that is what you want, but wouldnt be more fun to come to Maine during leaf season and do a little antiquing?

Sandie in Maine (where else?)
Yes matframer, I know LeeWards is gone, in fact I still refer to it as when I was bought and sold like a slave to Michael's. JUst being a little ironic, or possibly trying to confuse poor Ellen.

Like Sandie said they are everywhere in the antique stores. My sister collects the ones with the oak leaves attached.

Still no help for Ellen but I just seem to need to get this off my chest.....
If still interested, we still make those criss cross frames after all these years. They were the bulk of our business in the 80's now we only get a few calls for them. We will do them in any size and in either a walnut stain or unfinished.
E-mail me or call us at 800 368-0425.
I think Kellar and Klein (in Philadelphia) make these, too. Could be mistaken, it's been a while since I worked in a place that carried them.
Thanks, John! The customer was ready to retrieve the work, but your post probably saved the sale! I will call for pricing the first of the week...