What's your most relaxing task?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Nov 19, 2003
Orange County, CA
I'm spending the afternoon sewing down Navajo blankets ... quiet, strangely relaxing!

This morning I was handwrapping mats ... just the opposite ... busy, hectic!

Got me thinking ... What are your relaxing tasks?
I love having the workshop to myself, when, for example, my framer has worked a Saturday and has taken a day off in the week in Lieu.

I put my Welsh Male Voice Choir CDs on and go into full Robo mode - just a blur, but still relaxed, hate being called into the shop on those days.

Have fallen asleep lacing needlework, stitching sports shirts and doing washlines (F***ch Mats)

Not much more is done sitting down!
Y'all are really going to think I'm nuts
but I love to weed-eat! I have a mile long road to weed-eat, a 3 1/2 acre lake to weed-eat around, and then the normal around the house, deck, barn, etc. I can go out in the morning and spend 8 hours weed-eating and come back exhausted but totally content. I love spending time with me!
In the shop, I like to mat, and mount and fit with NO ONE around, and Gilbert and Sullivan cranked up! (of course those days are few and far between). At home, I like to hand quilt. To me, piecing a quilt is the annoying part one must do to get to hand quilting.
Framing with no inturruptions!
Tuesdays are my busiest days, and I get no framing done... so on wednesdays, when it is quiet, I LOVE IT!!!! I would like more sales, but I do relish the quiet days. I think you have to be careful what you wish for
Personally - studying and writing is my passion, but in the shop, there is one type of caning that relaxes me.

In my HGTV spot I said, "It's amazing where the mind can go when the hands are busy..."

Another thing I love (and I guess this is a "writing" carry-over) is to design mailers, flyers, and newsletters. However, because I enjoy it so much, it seems like I ought to be doing "real" work, and I always leave these for last. Then, of course, they never get done!
Originally posted by boxer1:
sometimes I just nod.......................
This reminds me of a poster from the 60's - it was a picture of a wooden stool with these words under it "When I plays, I plays hard. When I works, I works hard. But when I sits, I falls asleep..."
In the shop, cutting and joining frames and wrapping mats.

At home it would be yard work.
I love stretching cross stitch. Like others, I Love it when I am alone in the shop and doing this type of work. I could do it for hours! Music of choice is Beethoven.

The other thing that I find relaxing is touching up frames. Doing one itty bitty step at a time on a tiny little spot, sanding carefully with 1000 steel wool and anticipating the next step!

The least relaxing - bookkeeping!!!

Clarkston, Michigan
Speaking of nodding, the other night I was working alone on a fabric piece, pinning and stretching. It was late and I had some "relax" (classical) music on. I was sitting on my stool and found myself nodding, literally, and cross-eyed! Figured it was time to go home before I fell off that stool! I haven't fallen off a stool in a very long time!

I really like retouching, by hand, old photographs. Very relaxing when I can do it uninterrupted, so do it in the evening when it's quiet. Ditto with stretching needlework. Not canvases though. They hurt.
Fabric wrapping mats with Elton John at 65db and a quad-shot close at hand.

Hand sculpting mats with classical piano concertos are a very close second.
Sitting on my boat with a six pack of COORS(no it does not leave the mooring while consuming coors)
Not eeeeeven thinking bout framing cept would like to frame that bikini on the other boat.
I actually like mowing the grass, but don't tell my woman. I tell her it is so hot out and I sweat easy-so it works. She feels bad for me and tends to be nice. She always compliments me on how the yard is looking.

Also like going to Indian resturaunts. They seem to relax me. Then again that beer they have helps a little, I think. A nice Taj Mahal will do you.

When I have some hard thinking to do I go Mountain Biking. Maybe it's the increased blood flow or something but I find I have a clarity of thought that I can't achieve any other way. You'd think I would be paying attention to the trail and the encroaching trees but it's almost like I'm on auto pilot or something. Go figure.
I like to play chess..!
I also like to take hikes. Do just about anything that will require me to think of something different.
I learned that my brain cannot possible be thinking of two thinks at the same time. No way can I think of the next move to make in chess and worry about a particular problem,be it business or personal. So it relax's me.
Originally posted by Patrick Leeland:
I actually like mowing the grass, but don't tell my woman. I tell her it is so hot out and I sweat easy-so it works. She feels bad for me and tends to be nice. She always compliments me on how the yard is looking.

Also like going to Indian resturaunts. They seem to relax me. Then again that beer they have helps a little, I think. A nice Taj Mahal will do you.

I love mowing the grass, and I think its the wonderful aroma in the Indian resturants that is so calming. Hmmmmmmm I love murg masala......craving kicking in.

I just did a few frame jobs for our local Indian resturant that re-located, it was no hardship going there a couple of times. mmmmmmmm the smell
I like to do gardening, especially water gardening which consists mainly of feeding the fish! Better at digging and constructing than planting and potting. But Pat, in a previous life, ran a garden nursery, selling fuschias to the trade, so between us we do quite well.

Filled a new pond just this week, woke up this morning to find wild ducks on it!