What's your favorite way to use up "scrap" pieces of moulding?

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I was reading in Decor a few issues back about a framer who uses "scraps" to make small gift type boxes. I'm sure there are all kinds of ways to use up those scraps that usually hang around and get banged up.
We've used them to frame up beveled mirrors before. (we still have the mirrors hanging in the gallery and its been a little while since we framed them....ughh)
Another thing that we've framed with them are Christmas cards.....And that way you can use up "scrap" mats as well....... those have been popular. Sometimes I'll try and do specialty mats on the cards. We've sold a framed card for over $90. before
You have any suggestions as to what you use YOUR "scrap" moulding for???
I'm posting a message that i recieved via e-mail from J. Grow.. Frames and Framers NJ. He says:
At our shop we never throw any moulding away unless it is 5" or shorter. Even if it has a blemish. Since 90% of all our frames are built from in stock moulding, we build up a healthy number of pieces. Then when things are slow and I have 6 or 7 people working with only work for 2 or 3, we cut and join our own readymades from all the shorts. They are then priced 25% less than the regular moulding price.
If and when we have a surplus of readymades we run an additional sale of 25-35% off. Even discounting so much, a healthy profit is realized, and it is satisfying to know that you have so little waste.
I am sorry but I have been saving scrap for years and I am going to dump it all. I have not had the time to do anything with it and I am sick of having it interfere with my life.
A few years ago, when we relocated we had to get rid of a bunch of our scraps. We gave them to an art teacher at a nearby school. I don't think that he has had a chance to use them all, but we don't have them cluttering up our work area now.
Here's kind of a weird one; I've seen it done and it looks so cool!

Find someone with a good saw (a table saw will do but a good band saw would be better). Have them take a stick of moulding and cut slices like you'd do a carrot. Zillions of moulding slices all about the same thickness.

Give 'em to little kids with glue and scraps of mat board. They glue 'em on the board making neat shapes with the slices.

Some of their 'creations' are actually worth framing.

(Get someone else to do the slicing though!)