What's your favorite "band-aid"?


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Apr 28, 2002
Albuquerque, NM
OK. I work with pointy tools, razor blades, nail guns, a chopper, and large sheets of glass. I'm likely to get cut once in a while, right? (Although today I'm only wearing two band-aids.)

So what are some of the best precautions to avoid injury? What's in your first aid kit? And when do you need to send someone to the clinic?

CurAid waterproof "tatoo" bandaids are watertight, you don't have to replace them after washing your hands!

And the Panda Bear looks cool on your knuckles.
Get some butterfly closures for those gaping wounds that would normally require stitches.

I used to teach Red Cross first aid classes and I have first aid kits everywhere - the big OSHA-approved kits that are made for major disasters, like paper-cuts.

To avoid the injuries in the first place, get a desk job somewhere.
Leak proof? I thought a little blood on the customer's receipt was a sort of badge of courage.

(You guys are FAST!)
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:

To avoid the injuries in the first place, get a desk job somewhere.
Or a glass seamer, I used to get the majority of my cuts while cleaning the glass, now with the seamer I rarely cut myself on glass. Bevels, however, do provide one nasty paper cut!

Oh yeah, and for those customers that are too "frugal" to mat a poster, and want the glass right on it ("it's only a poster....") the seamer has saved me from scraping a layer of ink off the poster! I had to only buy three "posters" in my four years here, but that's still 3 too many.
Originally posted by Matoaka:
Leak proof? I thought a little blood on the customer's receipt was a sort of badge of courage.

(You guys are FAST!)
Just try to get blood out of a mat!

<small> (Peroxide and a q-tip might do it!)</small>
I had a five bandaid day once....on one hand!!

I have sence gotten pretty good at avoiding nasty cuts, it's those little nicks that get me!
Glass cleaner makes a good antiseptic, and helps you find those little owies you didn't know you had!

Your supposed to STOP the bleeding before you put it on!

Then I love the Flexable Fabric ones from Band-Aid only. They are very waterproof and the edges don't lift up and expose the adhesive. They can stay on for days if you forget to take 'em off.
I seem to get more cuts from paper and the beveled edge of a mat than from glass - since I wear glass gloves and they really help. I have only had one or two incidents where I brushed against the edge of the glass and it cut thru the nylon part of the glass glove... It also gives me a more secure feeling when handling the glass between carton and cutter...

BUT... when I do get a cut - the liquid bandage works great if it is a small surface cut... Now if it is a larger/deeper cut - a major bandaid is required and I have some that wrap the end of the finger (they are butterfly shaped) and work well. If it's a real bleeder - I will use two - or go work on the computer til it calms down.
A roll of paper towels and some packing tape is what we keep around here.

Once, one of our employees didn't put the glass scraps in the glass bin, but instead threw them away in the garbage. I went to pack it down so trash wouldn't fly out while we took it to the compactor.

I sliced my arm open about 2 1/2 inches wide and pretty darn deep. I bled everywhere. But, a little wad of paper towels and some box tape, I was good to go.
Hey, Seth! Good to hear from you. How/where have you been? Hope all is well with you. What have you been working on?
:cool: Rick
For getting blood out of a mat....

Q-Tip and hydrogen peroxide (from the first aid kit). Don't laugh til you try it, and be sure to let it dry.

One of the few Hannah Fate's tricks that don't require spit.
..."doesn't" require spit...? Grammar god, please advise.
Ooops. Sorry Bob.. I just saw your fine print.
Clear tape over the little scratches works nicely. It's so dry around here, the edges of even a small nick will dry out and curl up, and turn red and crusty. Something to keep the skin from drying out will help the scrape heal fast. (and you can watch it, too!)

At home I use vaseline, but that's not good when you're cutting mats. Vaseline is a lot harder to get out of mats than blood.
If I get a nick that draws blood, it's time to go home. Do you really want to risk bleeding on somebodies valuable property.

I feel this way especially on a day like today...72 degrees and sunny with big white cumulous clouds and a light breeze.

Unfortunately I have jobs promised out so I reach for the super glue instead of my Smirnoff and rasberry ice tea.


Dave Makielski
I love those cartoon band-aids, and tequila to kill the germs and deaden the pain.

but seriously having cartoon band-aids on your finger is a great conversation starter..LOL
That 3m white "medical tape" that has been used in framing before.....I keep a roll on hand for masking off mats for painted bevels, etc...but it works great for cuts!
WHoleseller still sells it.. ;)
I bought some expensive special band-aids recently that stop the blood from flowing really quickly. You have to put a real band-aid on after 10 minutes or so, because the others start to come undone and get small tears in them.
I've used about 10 of them in the past three weeks....phew, they are lasting a long time!

PS. Your own spit will get rid of your blood from a mat and most things, but it does ugly up the surface a bit! Customers tend not to like the appearance much! ;) ;)
Originally posted by Rick Granick:
Hey, Seth! Good to hear from you. How/where have you been? Hope all is well with you. What have you been working on?
:cool: Rick
Hi Rick-
I've been on sabbatical since January taking care of medical issues and working on a biography of my grandfather. I'm getting the itch to frame already and am seriously considering doing a few private seminars and per diums
Originally posted by Matoaka:
And when do you need to send someone to the clinic?
Usually when an appendage becomes partially or fully detached from the person to which it belongs.

I assume that's the grandfather who was a painter. I remember you posted some cool photos a while back.
:cool: Rick
Originally posted by Matoaka:
OK. when do you need to send someone to the clinic?

I cut myself, I use a band-aid (or tape) and keep working. If someone else gets cut, they go to the clinic, unless they say otherwise. But I'd probably override them if it looked bad enough. IE if the band-aid leaks the cut is probably a good one!