What's up with WIZARD?


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jun 15, 1999
Winter Park, Florida
Earlier today I was checking out WIZARDS website and saw that WIZARD was introducing a new 5.1 software verison in Atlanta.

This prompted me to think where is my 5.0 WIZARD software? So I called WIZARD.

I was told that 5.0 is not available yet. I asked when will it be? And I was told they don't know.

This is about the 3rd or 4th time I have called WIZARD and have been told many different stories about when it will be shipped. One was back in I believe was April that they were shipping approximately 200 a week and my name was indeed on the list.

But now 6 months later Im told they are not shipping and don't know when they are going to ship

I was under the impression that this was the same softeware that they were shipping with the new Wizard 8000. Isn't it just a matter then of copying the CD's?? So whats the problem Wizard??

Why are you coming out with 5.1 when you have not shipped 5.0 yet?? :confused: :confused: :confused:

[ 07-08-2003, 01:34 PM: Message edited by: wcox ]
I was told they found a bug in the software, and won't be shipping any till the exterminator has fixed it.
I also was told also there was a bug, some time ago. But isn't suppose to be the same software they are shipping with the new Wizard8000??

[ 07-08-2003, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: wcox ]
It sounds like they're probably skipping 5.0 altogether and shipping the "bug fix" as 5.1

(just a guess, I dont have a wizard yet)

I have a Fletcher 6100, They have been giving the same song and dance. They even went so far as to anounce the new software in Picture Framing Magazine about six months ago. They told me then it would be out in a few months. The only thing they have anounced, since anouncing their new software, is that they have discontinued manufacturing the Fletcher 6100.

I called them after recieving notice that my new Fletcher 6100 is now obsolete. They ( Fletcher ) said they would be sending out the new software soon. I waited a few more months, then called them last week to order new blades and to enquire about the software. They never botherd to return my call.

The Fletcher 6100 is a real nice cutter, they told me they just did not have the resorces to compete with Wizard, so they decided to discontinue the 6100. They claimed they would continue to support the existing machines for seven more years. That made me real happy to know that three years after I get the thing paid off, I will no longer be able to get parts for it. Fletcher assured me not to worry, that I would be able to buy "off the shelf" comercial parts to keep it running. Sure, you betcha, yup.

Well, at least they still have the Gold ball glass cutters. I just hope that Wizard doesn't decide to start making those.

Bill et al,

In reality we are shipping 5.0.1 (yup the 0.1 is a bug fix) with the new systems. Existing customers will start seeing it next week (slowly).

5.0 represents quite an upgrade to the software and with it will come many questions. We don't want our Customer Support Group to be overcome with calls so our existing customers will receive it in manageable waves.

This is a case of me (the Marketing side) shooting off my big mouth before our Software and Customer Support groups were ready to release the new software, and I must apologize to them and to our customers who have been waiting for the release. Having said that, holding up it's delivery to our existing Model 5000 users was the right thing to do. Although not life threatening, some of the bugs we found were aggravating.

Hope this helps answer a few questions. If you want please feel free to chastise me directly. 888 855-3335.
WizardEdd, why can't we download the 5.0.1 software from Wizard's website?

[ 07-08-2003, 10:23 PM: Message edited by: snafu F.G. ]
Fletcher returned my call today, seems the person I wanted to talk to was out of town for a week. He told me the new upgrade was in the mail and I should get it in a few days. He also is shipping me a few boxes of blades.

Any of you who are thoroughly discouraged with your new Wizard, or even with your OLD Wizard, can contact me directly about a trade.

Why put up with delayed software upgrades when you could be running a Mat Maestro?

Think it over and let me know.

(I'll make the same offer to 6100 owners.)

Great question.

Unfortunately, we don't run a "program check", like Microsoft does for instance where they can see what version you are running, and then simply downloading the updates needed. We do a complete install, consequently the Program is far too big (even with a high speed connection) to download across the Internet. We are looking at an "auto update" feature for the future, but we aren't there yet.

Thanks for asking the question, I am sure many people were wondering the same thing.
Any of you who are thoroughly discouraged with your new Wizard, or even with your OLD Wizard, can contact me directly about a trade.

Why put up with delayed software upgrades when you could be running a Mat Maestro?

Think it over and let me know
Only way I would give up my Wizard is if you swap my old one for a new mat maestro and then give me $12,000.00 so I could buy the new Wizard.
Think about and let me know. :D
Gumby, would you come and pick up the Mat Maestro?

That's the biggest problem. It's like having a big, dead tree in your yard and having to hire somebody to come and cut it down and haul it away. I paid $900 to have this thing shipped from Seattle!

It did cut some great mats for me on July 4th, but who wants to work on July 4th?
I've pestered Wizard on their website about this topic and have received some info I would like to share with all the eager Wizard users out there.

First, I have a few questions;
How many of you have worked with the Demo that came out some time ago?

Do you really enjoy learning a brand new software program on your own, something that is entirely different than what you were using before?

When you first received your Wizard, were you on the phone every 5 minutes because you couldn't figure how do something?

Do you think the tray that slides out of the computer is a cup holder?

Ok, think about your answers and consider this.

Wizard just changed over to a new network and have had a boat load of calls (Many more than usual) because of corner downloading problems (I made 3 different calls myself), as well as many new users of the 8000 series. Now how would you handle it if you shipped out lets say 1000 copies of a new program all at the same time and 800 of them answered yes to the last question above.

That is essentially what they are telling me, the've had a few problems but they have been minor, but they want to ship slowly so the help desk is not overwhelmed. I can understand this could be a nightmare, I'll accept that.

I still want the program and have promised not to call and cry and carry on, sue or otherwise ask for damages. They are going to send me a beta copy and I promised to keep The Grumble informed.

Let's see what happens.
I've got the software, and installed it.

Had to call the help desk....

Needed the Master Configuration password as I was calibrating my cutter. BTW the password is ****** (sorry couldn't resist)

Got it calibrated and cut mats. It cuts faster than the old machine, you can even hear a difference in the rotation speed of the stepper motor on the head. When the cutter cuts the outside of the mat. It doesn't go back to the standby before cutting.

I cut the mat with 3 openings and 2 guitars (Wiz cutart) with the guitars at + and - 15 degrees. using the rotate feature which took 5 seconds to do.

When I set the mat up in the old software and had to rotate the guitars, I had to do it in VCADD, and althogh it wasn't difficult, it took several tries to get it to look like I wanted. When I went to Trace it in VCADD on of the guitars wasn't connected and it was a bitch to get to work. So it took me probably 30 minutes on the old machine to have the design ready to cut, where as it took less than 3 minutes with the new software. So far I'm impressed
I recieved Fletcher new software yesterday. It took only a few minutes to install. Wow, what a difference. I would say that Fletcher now has the best CMC on the market. Too bad they didn't hang in there a little longer. It cuts better, faster, and with a whole lot more capabilities.

Another interesting item on the use of 5.0.1 software and the older series cutter.

The new software will cut True Type Fonts, not just your basic 6 or 7 standard 4.8 styles....

BUT......Be vewy, vewy, careful. Make sure the letters are big enough when you do some of the squiggly, looping specialty fonts. I wasted about 600 corners (I'm not Kidding) trying to get the font and look I wanted. Now when the font just wasn't going to cut at the size I had, it would give me a Floating Point Error when I went to the cut screen.

Some of the fonts would cut but WOW the number of corners it would use to cut one letter was horrible. I finally figured out to just cut one letter instead of all six until I had what I needed, but hey live and learn.

Wizard had already mentioned that some of the more intricate cutart would be corner intensive, but so are a lot of the fonts. Just be aware of it.

Now Ron and Jerry,
I wouldn't give up my Wizard for nothing. It is another employee and it just learned new skills!
Jerry, couple more things I'd like to add about cutting True Type fonts...

First of all, with a mat cutter you can really see the difference in quality between a TTF that you've bought for $75 for one family (bold, italic, etc) and a TTF that came on a CD with 3000 other fonts. I've seen some that look great printed on a 8.5 x 11 piece of paper, but contains a thousand little jaggies that causes the head to plunge at each point of jagginess. Looks like crap, cuts like crap, and puts a nice dent in your corner count.

Second, irreputable fonts don't necessarily follow the cut direction standard, and I've seen several fonts with letters that cut holes out both forward and reverse bevel.

That in mind, we've tested all the fonts that ship with Windows and they cut great. Take a look at the Wing-Ding series - there's some nice clip art in there.

I cut my kid's name out in this nice Olde English style font (5" high letters) and it came out looking freakin' suh-weeet...
Thanks Steve,
Now cut those same letters with the old board 2" high and 1.5 " wide and tell me what they look like.
Am I allowed to say "poopy"?

However I doubt it would make a difference on any current CMC I cut swirley-wavey letters on at that size. Its kinda like trying to cram 3 large cats in a small mailbox - they just ain't gonna fit without some serious modificaton. Overcuts and backups slice into the drop-outs and everything just falls apart.

Actually, that's one of the reasons why we kept support for the simpler LetterMat fonts. They've been designed for reduced complexity to cut smaller than your average TTF...
That's the word!

But since I am gluten for punishment I tried anyway. They look good on the screen but not when they are cut. If they are just not going to work at all you get the floating point error because they are too small. See, just goes to show you that you live and learn.

Here's where I could go and start whinning about "well I wasted 600 corners because you didn't tell me it wouldn't do that." But then again that's the point of me posting here as I play. Anyone who reads TG and has the Wizard won't try to do it now!......Yeah Right!
I have to salute Wizard for sending out their software in manageable lots. It would be awful to send the software to everyone and then not have a large enough help desk staff to handle all of the questions.
When cutting a TTF, I like to have at least .3" between objects. This includes swirls, juts, tags, and anything that will loop around. With the new Measuring Tool (4th Button down on the Tools Bar) you can easily measure between objects. And don't forget the Magnifier (Tools > Add Magnifier) for those of us with tired eyes.

Or, if you feel a little more daring, take the most complicated letter from the text you are about to cut, and cut it by itself. If you can get the hardest letter to cut, the rest "should" be a breeze.

Please keep in mind that this still is no guarantee as to the outcome, but should be a helpful tip when attempting to cut out long text in an unfamiliar font.
Originally posted by Bob Shirk CPF:
I have to salute Wizard for sending out their software in manageable lots. It would be awful to send the software to everyone and then not have a large enough help desk staff to handle all of the questions.
Yes, but wouldn't it make more since to send the new software to the more experienced customers first. We would require less support from Wizard?

I have had my Wizard since 1995, back when a simple multi opening mat was a major ordeal.