What's The Difference . . .

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
. . . between the Home Edition and the Professional Edition of Windows XP?

I have migrated from the latter to the former and I'm wondering what functional differences I should be looking for. (So far, I have detected none.)

Thanks ever so much.
Ron I think there are more networking modules - things like faxing, etc - just business stuff. STuff that most normal people like us would never use.........
From: http://www.annoyances.org

The difference between Windows XP Home and Professional editions:

The Home and Professional editions of Windows XP are nearly identical; the only differences are additional features found in the Professional edition that most likely won't appeal to home users. The primary differences, aside from the price and the color of the packaging, are as follows:

Windows XP Home Edition

* Contains basic support for security among multiple users.
* Built-in support for peer-to-peer networking, but only for up to five computers.
* The backup utlity is not installed by default, but is included on the CD.

Windows XP Professional Edition

* Includes extended support for security between multiple users on the same machine.
* Better support for peer-to-peer networking, plus support for joining a "Windows NT domain."
* The backup utlity is installed by default.
* The Professional edition includes the following components not found in the Home edition:
o Administrative Tools (in the Start Menu and Control Panel)
o Automated System Recovery (ASR)
o Boot Configuration Manager
o DriverQuery
o Group Policy Refresh Utility
o Multi-lingual User Interface (MUI) add-on
o NTFS Encryption Utilitiy
o Offline Files and Folders
o OpenFiles
o Performance Log Manager
o Remote Desktop
o Scheduled Tasks Console
o Security Template Utility
o Taskkill
o Tasklist
o Telnet Administrator
* Provides support for multi-processor systems (2 or 4 CPUs), Dynamic Disks, Fax.

I like the idea of 'Taskkill.' I have a LONG list of weekend tasks I'd like to kill.

Seriously, I've been using the professional edition for a few days (on a new laptop) and there is absolutely no visual indication (even from the startup splash screen) that this is anything different.

I did notice they took the date out of the copyright notice so you don't see that your brand-new laptop has a three-year-old operating system loaded on it. I've downloaded about a gig of windows updates and about the same for Norton Internet Security and I think I'm nearly ready to actually use the thing before the warranty runs out.

Handy: Who you calling 'normal?'