Being an outdoorsman all of my life, I wanted to specialize in wildlife prints when I opened my first gallery/frameshop. I had a number of thoughts for a name but settled on "Touch the Wild Gallery". It was a subtle change from the original "Touch
of the Wild Gallery" but conveyed a feeling of being there and involved in it, an active use of the title wording instead of a passive use.
When I moved South, I decided to leave "Touch the Wild Gallery" back in I******* and went on a quest to find a new name for my (now only a) frameshop. After much deliberation and soul searching and going through the pros and cons of coming off as an ego stroker, I finally settled on "S.T.B. Custom Framing" ('and Gifts' which I seldom use in everyday communications.) The logo for my shop is very large bold caps embedded in the corner of a frame with the pertinent information inside the framed area.
In very small letters alongside each capital letter is the rest of each word:
<font size=5>
S</font><font size=1>imply</font>
<font size=5>
T</font><font size=1>he</font>
<font size=5>
B</font><font size=1>est</font>
The caps are much larger and the rest of the title is much smaller than I can illustrate here but you get the idea.
I struggled with this concept for awhile and decided that the only way that I could honestly use this kind of business name was to constantly strive to live up to what it says I am. I don't consider it an "ego" thing or anything else but a constant reminder that I must always keep my eyes open and my ears sharp for new ideas to help keep me on top and at the apex of my game. As I have said many times here on the Grumble, I am still a learning student of framing and will always be in that classification as long as there is still something else to learn about my business.
Here is a b/w version of the logo that I used for my business cards.
[ 06-26-2004, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: Framerguy ]