What's in a Name???

Marion P

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Mar 18, 2004
Maroochydore, Australia
How do you pick a name in business. Should it reflect exactly what you are selling? Should it depict your warped sense of humor? Or should it stay with Trend?

I have a name for my picture framing business, but now I need a new name for a new busines with outdoor art, Yard Art has been used over and over and I don't want people to think I'm selling gnomes. I've been racking my brains and I come up with Nothing?

There must be an easier way???

Thanks for reading....

keep smiling

"Art for the Barbie"

Sorry, couldn't resist. When we named our new businesses (First Street Antiques/First Street Framing/First Street Lighting), one of our considerations was that the web site name (www.FirstStreetFraming.Com, etc) also had to be available. I discovered that there were a number of businesses named First Street Antiques in the states but none, until us, grabbed the web site name. If a web site is a future consideration then keep this in mind. My partners and I literally sat at a computer for hours (libation in hand of course) thinking up names and checking their online availability.
I struggled for a long time about what to name my business. One day, I was listening to Jimi Hendrix's "Red House"... and the rest is history. I painted the building red and have been "Red House Custom Picture Framing" ever since. Not only is the name personal, because I love Jimi so much and that song specifically, but also, it's practical! Folks know they're looking for a "Red House" when they're coming out to see me for the first time. The only small downside is that the name is so long! When I first named it "Red House Custom Framing" it was pointed out to me that it makes one think of house framing as in construction... hence the change to Red House Custom Picture Framing.

In short, I say (in addition to Larry's great suggestion about a website name) make it say what you do and put a bit of yourself in it! It's your baby!
I couldn't agree more with what the others said. I just started my company and only recently went through the same process. I wanted it to be personal to me but in the same sense explain what we do. Our name is now Big Door Fine Art Publishers. My initials DB reversed is of course BD and being an art publisher we thought big door was a powerful name for "opening the Door to art" for artist as well as consumers and fine art is of course what we produce. If you are going to create a website as mentioned before get the domain name first!!!! and get your name approved through your government office, if you have that where you are? Not all names or versions of are available.

How about:

Garden art?
Green thumb artworks?
garden decor?

Just some idea's?

Good Luck.

Big Door Fine Art Publishers Inc.
Hey good one Larry, Art for the Barbie..... very Aussie! LOL

But being a YANK living in OZ I should have a patriotic name......

Pass a budwieser & put a shrimp on the barbie matie!

Thanks everyone for the input, the website idea is fantastic ....

Keep smiling
My shop is called Framed In Tatnuck. There are 8 other Picture Framing shops in Worcester, MA.

Names like:

Prints and the Potter
C.C. Lowell
Worcester Art & Frame
The Custom Frame Shop
Keystone Framing
Atlantis Gallery

I have had a number of people call on the phone. When I ask how/why they called my shop, teh answer is: Mine is the only one that comes up when the phone operator plugs in "frame." There are some interesting by-products of a name.
Being an outdoorsman all of my life, I wanted to specialize in wildlife prints when I opened my first gallery/frameshop. I had a number of thoughts for a name but settled on "Touch the Wild Gallery". It was a subtle change from the original "Touch of the Wild Gallery" but conveyed a feeling of being there and involved in it, an active use of the title wording instead of a passive use.

When I moved South, I decided to leave "Touch the Wild Gallery" back in I******* and went on a quest to find a new name for my (now only a) frameshop. After much deliberation and soul searching and going through the pros and cons of coming off as an ego stroker, I finally settled on "S.T.B. Custom Framing" ('and Gifts' which I seldom use in everyday communications.) The logo for my shop is very large bold caps embedded in the corner of a frame with the pertinent information inside the framed area.

In very small letters alongside each capital letter is the rest of each word:

<font size=5>S</font><font size=1>imply</font>
<font size=5>T</font><font size=1>he</font>
<font size=5>B</font><font size=1>est</font>

The caps are much larger and the rest of the title is much smaller than I can illustrate here but you get the idea.

I struggled with this concept for awhile and decided that the only way that I could honestly use this kind of business name was to constantly strive to live up to what it says I am. I don't consider it an "ego" thing or anything else but a constant reminder that I must always keep my eyes open and my ears sharp for new ideas to help keep me on top and at the apex of my game. As I have said many times here on the Grumble, I am still a learning student of framing and will always be in that classification as long as there is still something else to learn about my business.



Here is a b/w version of the logo that I used for my business cards.


[ 06-26-2004, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: Framerguy ]
Ok I have been thinking of a name and this is what I have come up with, tell me what you think.

Standard Gallery and Custom Picture Framing

Here to set the standard in fine art and custom picture framing!

Ok people tell me what you think.

KISS. Keep it simple stupid. Stay away from cutesy names. The name should clearly state what you do. Take for example a bakery. Which one do you think would appeal to commercial customers, such as restaurants, hospitals, retirement homes, etc. who may be looking for a bakery in the phone book.

.San Diego Bakery.
.House of bread n things
.Hot Buns
.Moms Bread

The first one gives the feeling of a long established company that would understand the word "wholesale"
The others ring of "retail" They may get called, but the first one will get the most calls.

It also will depend on who your target market is and what you are trying to sell. Whatever it is, keep it clear and simple.

Originally posted by JPete:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dns ynko:

Standard Gallery and Custom Picture Framing

Here to set the standard in fine art and custom picture framing!

</font>[/QUOTE]Name too long, the other line ok as an added phrase in an ad.
ok would : Standard Gallery and Framing sound better? i have thought about this but have gone back and forth. And the tag line...does it take you to a better place then, standard=meaning average? i have discussed this with a few and they are not sure.some yes some no. so what do you all think? it is a name i got in my wee brain and has not left. this is for a shop a few years down the line.
to me i like it. i think standard means strength, stability,reliable, clean, and crisp.
dont hold back all of you. i know i have it coming, this is the first time i have discussed with such a large group. lend me your thoughts those with great minds.
Now that you ask. It's the Standard in the name which is lacking. I understand what you are saying but I think good, better and best. Standard is more like the good instead of the best. YNKO Gallery & Framing would be better or maybe best. That's my thoughts.
I have thought of the Ynko and all that, but then it gets the customer confused, or i think that. it works to draw some people in, but not too many. And if I used my real last name (actually Yankow) I think it just looks odd. and folks have a hard time pronouncing it.

the standard thing was one of the first things i thought of when my lady said to think of a name and it will help create an image. this is why i might be attached to it? i think the definition that i gave earlier-strength,clean, reliable describes me. i am not a frills type of person-i am pretty straight forward in thinking and action.
dna: not to rain on your parade, but my very first thought about the word "standard" connected with picture framing is --- "standard sizes."


But the other side of my Gemini brain is saying, "yeah but then there's the GOLD STANDARD!"

I think you might confuse the public with the word STANDARD.

Hey Guys,

You all have been most helpful.. A great big thank you.
We decided to go with Garden Gallery, as we want to hang pictures outside. The Name is Short and Sweet and sort of gets the point across.

I loved the "Art for the Barbie" name.... unique,
so maybe we can have MOM's apple pie and throw a shrimp on the barbie!

Keep smiling!
I love "Garden Gallery". Short concise and right to the point.

"Newman Valley" originally came from the fact that we own 65 acres down a huge valley. We own from the top of one hill to the top of the other. And, I've wanted a "studio" all my life. So, everything we do is "Newman Valley...something" (Newman Valley Publications, Farm, etc.) The "umbrella" is "Newman Valley Enterprises" and I envision someday having "Newman Valley Inc."

Of course, the "Studio" name sometimes makes people think of a photo studio, but not too often. As we do both antique repair and custom framing, I had a hard time figuring out how to combine these 2 "loves" of mine. Finally, one day I hit on "Art and Antiques." So now, my letterheads, etc say "Newman Valley Studio" (then under) "Art & Antique Studio and Gallery." With the tag line of "We put the custom back in customer."

One should always be careful when naming something due to location. The location is subject to change. In our case, we live in the "Tennessee Valley" so the "valley" part could be used anywhere, while keeping the "Newman" name. As for the farm, it has been in the Newman family over 200 years. It "ain't" going anywhere - at least not in my lifetime!

Garden Gallery has a nice ring to it, very descriptive!

At the other end of the spectrum of business names, I spotted a big white truck in Buffalo the other day with "Mobile Redemptions, Inc." on the side in red letters.

Coming as I do from the "religious business" (I'm a Preacher's Kid) the only thought that went through my mind was a huge "dunking" tank surrounded by a white-robed choir and an earnest preacher.

What on earth do they mean by Mobile Redemptions? Do they pick up empty recyclable pop bottles? Or what?

DNA My two cents worth.

I know where your thoughts are in using Standard.
But you have to ask yourself what the average person will think when they hear or see the term. I don't think, setting the standard will come to mind, but something other than custom will. IE. as others have said: standard sizes etc.
Ask as many people as you can( without any explanation on your part) what comes to mind when you present your name choice and see what they think.
That in-fact is what you are doing here, and to quote Martha Stuart "that is a good thing" (sorrry couldn't help myself)
IMHO "Standard Custom Framing" sounds oximoronic like compassionate conservative or military intelligence.

I liked the sound of YNKO Gallery and Framing, sounds like a well lit and open gallery. Could be followed with "setting the standard in ....."
Ok if I did YNKO gallery blah blah blah, would I pronounce it as Yankow or spell it out YNKO? I never would have went in that direction, but you guys put it on the table, so what do you think? It could be followed by the tag line perhaps...?

ps it is dns for dennis not dna, just found it funny
I like it alot....except for the verrrry first split second I saw it, I envisioned the Village People singing your commercial jingle...but then I got past that unsavory image. :eek:

Or did I? Great. Now that song is stuck in my head.
Standard Custom Framing say that you do the "standard" job. Are you the expert in your area? How about EPF, "Expert Picture Framing".

Standard just doesn't cut the cheese here. Don't sell yourself short in your name.
Yeah Dennis, when I hear the word "Standard" I think of adequate, passable, average, common, norm.....before I think of high standards or benchmark etc.........

Not that I should offer advice, I went with "clever" with Out on a Whim Custom Framing. I've had a couple people along the way tell me I might consider changing it because it might not be taken seriously, but I love my store name and have gotten raves on the name from my customers as it is fun........

YNKO Gallery,(blah, blah, blah)

Then underneath, You'll Never Know Otherwise...

I agree with Tim on the 'standard' idea. And, right off the top of my mind, I can't come up with a tag line that makes standard 'pop' except 'Setting a NEW standard in framing'.
Benchmark Framing.... Quality Framing (if you want a really plain word that says a lot) Or Howard's (It's worked well for us, and you are far enough away that it should be OK, although I may charge a SMALL fee for its use... hehehe)
I really liked the ynko gallery and framing name--it's sorta edgy. There's another advantage: You could design your logo so that you could use the ynko with of without the rest of the name, which is very useful sometimes in ads.

However, another downside to it (besides that Village People thing--maybe that's not so bad--or maybe it's just me) is that at a glance, it looks a whole lot like DKNY, so you'd have to consider your font carefully to eliminate any confusion there.

Yankow Gallery and Custom Framing. I like that too. Who cares is people mispronounce it--some people STILL mispronounce Nike. :rolleyes:

Arlington Gallery and Custom Framing puts you first in the yellow pages, etc. There's probably already one. (Is this store of yours going to happen in Arlington?) but, there's not much personality in that name.

To me, Standard=Regular.
They can get regular at you-know-where.

The only thing I really regret in my name is that I chose a font and a design that is laid out in one looonnngg straight line. It's hard to do a small ad with that. Also, I just priced having my sign redone in individual backlit letters:
thanks folks, this is not for the DC area. it is a little down the road, but i figured since it was on my mind i would ask a question or too. i dont want to have a typical name, it does not suit me. so the suggestion of YNKO Gallery shall stay in my head. and i sort of dig the tag line someone posted. thanks i shall have more questions in the future.


Sorry to rain on your parade but using your YNKO would be confusing to consumers. You raised the question yourself with how to say it - individual letters or as a word. Consumers would have the same question. If you are truly hung up on the Starndard thing then how about "Gold Standard Custom Framing & Gallery". I left out the word "picture" because the Gallery part should keep those customers wanting house framing at bay.

I was going to ask a bunch of other questions about street names, buildings etc. and then I remembered that this is for the future.

Anyway - Good Luck!


the gold standard thing does not float well with me, it reminds me of a gold star in first grade. it just seems like you are trying to hard...it is like saying the best frame sho in____. i am a bit different and dont want the hum drum name. everyone that knows me would not think of me as a cut and dry type of name. it will be different, most likely a little odd, a bit bold and hopefully me. i dont want the town name in it, the address, or things liek that. and i am not trying to make anyone upset by saying these things. i think there are many great stores out there and they suit the owners, but like you all have said it needs to be a piece of you and a bit business, in order for it to work.

if i come up with anything else after some brain storming i will post my ideas.

For those who know you and would expect something, um, shall we say eclectic that would be great! But unless you are well known by everyone in Arlington then your name should not be confusing to people. The last thing an already somewhat intimidated framing customer wants is to feel stupid for not knowing how to say your store's name. Some people might not be bothered and they'll just ask how the name is said but I think that most would just go elsewhere.

For the message that you want to convey you should lose the word Standard. It says "average" loud and clear.

I'm sure that you will come up with something that suits you. Just keep brainstorming!


PS - No offense intended - just trying to help.