What's a little "spat" between friends?


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 2, 2001
Centennial, CO, USA
This one is realy a simple deal. spats and a shoe hook. I built the box up by cutting the corners and folding it in. Used a beautiful frame, not sure who makes it. Added a silver fillet. Conplete size is 11x20. This one ran $200. It took maybe 15 minutes to mount.


[ 01-25-2003, 02:09 AM: Message edited by: emibub ]
I am crazy about this one! Too cool! I am somewhat of a antique hound and am crazy about the spats! I love when people post their stuff, and I am the worst offender...I have managed to only post one picture so far and the task was so time consuming I have not had time to try again. I wish more people would do this!
Nice jobs as usual.

If you don't know who manufactured the moulding then how did you order it or price it?
Now Less, you just haven't paying attention.
Kathy has been collecting cast off frames that she gets for a great price for a long time. She only has to price them according to what she paid for the frame.

Good job, Kathy. How old are those spats?
Less, What I meant was I got that moulding from a distributor who carries Roma, Max, LeMarche etc. and I don't have a clue who makes it. This one was for a client so it was picked off the wall. Thanks for the feedback everybody. It is kind of nice to post this stuff here. When you work alone you don't have anybody to show when you are done.