What would you do?


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Apr 1, 2005
Maple Valley, Wa
Ok I have a question.....

If you had an employee that had a lovely piece of art framed at full price minus 25% off sale--
several years ago, bring the piece back because it is now ripply--the art was hing mounted.
The employee still works for you and would like to have the piece redone-it could be easily spray mounted. Would you charge your employee to do the work?

Why not have the employee do it off hours, or do it yourself as a quickie...to be honest I don't know what I would do. It seems like a very odd situation.\

Patrick Leeland
Disregarding any dynamics of your situation, then it would be treated as any other piece returned. Our work is guaranteed. It would be repaired as would any other work we did.
Ditto with EllenAtHowards. And with a smile!
I would be more worried about the employee....

" bring the piece back because it is now ripply--the art was hing mounted."

did it need to be mounted to begin with, or is the ripples the natural state of the piece subjected to the usual humid cycle during a PacificNorWest summer and they don't understand that? And with that thought ratteling around...I ask, what is her understanding of framing and how/what is she selling?

Then there is the other thing in my mind/craw:

"it could be easily spray mounted" :eek:
Here's the deal. In my mind it should not have been hinged in the first place-don't have a clue why it was. Looked up the paper work and it called for it to be spray mounted, looks like some framer screwed up or got lazy or who knows what.
The employee is not a framer, any way I don't know the whole thing just kinda upset me....I think we should fix it at no cost. But sometimes an employee's point of view can vastly differ from the owner/manager. And sometimes I just fly off the handle over stuff ya know?

Yeah, and sometimes employees get the shaft as customers. When I worked for Home Depot, we all shopped at another store where they didn't know us, just so we could get some help.
They should repair it at no cost and consider it a great learning experience. Hinging would have been a much better method than spray mounting, so something went wrong. I would have predicted that the spray mount would have rippled or bubbled.