PFG, Picture Framing God
Tony started this thought on the future of framing thread. It got me thinking of my dream shop.
Large store, big box appearance 4000 sq ft of showroom. High ceilings, well lit, a super market of art & framing.
Hundreds of cheap oil paintings with enough margin to put them on sale regularly.
Wide selection of ready-mades all types and price points.
Cut mats and cut while-you-wait service.
400-500 in-stock moldings most with price points under $10.
Mirrors, mirrors & more mirrors.
Next-day service on most jobs.
Designed sales run more days than not.
The location should be in the same areas as Walmart, Meijer's, Home Depots, Loews and Michael's.
The store hours would be convenient for the customer not the framer. 10-9 Monday through Saturday, 10-6 on Sunday. Closed only the 7 major holidays
To make this work I feel that you would need at least a $10,000 dollar a month ad budget. TV, Newspaper & Direct mail.
Any other thoughts? feel free to add on or go a different direction.
Large store, big box appearance 4000 sq ft of showroom. High ceilings, well lit, a super market of art & framing.

The location should be in the same areas as Walmart, Meijer's, Home Depots, Loews and Michael's.
The store hours would be convenient for the customer not the framer. 10-9 Monday through Saturday, 10-6 on Sunday. Closed only the 7 major holidays
To make this work I feel that you would need at least a $10,000 dollar a month ad budget. TV, Newspaper & Direct mail.
Any other thoughts? feel free to add on or go a different direction.