What to expect at the Vegas Show ?

5th corner

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Aug 23, 2005
Hello Everybody,

Just registered for the Vegas Show. Never been to one so don't know what to expect. Can anyone enlighten me.

How much time should be allocated to visiting the show and how much time should be allocated to seminars.

Are the free seminars anygood or should one concentrate on the ones that cost.

Thanks in advance
Save Monday morning at least for the show. Some free are good. Brian Wolf and Wizard are worth it. The Specialty Soft presentation was very informative and enlightening with an excellant presentor last year. Jim Miller, pay for it. Others have recommend Carter, Goltz, Bluestone (mostly on business end), Nona Powers and John Rains. I'm sure there are others, these are the ones that come to mind. You have to choose which topics meet your needs.

Baer is either taking a break or several people learning how to wrap Franks Fabrics on the floor.
I haven't been there for the past two years but my experience has been that the seminars and instructors were excellent - the classes basically paid for the trip if you took some of the suggestions they offered. (Maybe not from Australia) Show was on the small side so wouldn't require lots and lots of time. I have heard that the show is getting bigger.
Originally posted by 5th corner:
...How much time should be allocated to visiting the show and how much time should be allocated to seminars...
What's your need? All of the major exhibitors will be there, and some you've never heard of. If you are in the market for a shop full of equipment, or if you want to carefully compare competitive features of some particular tool up-close & personal, or if you need to interview several potential new suppliers, plan to spend enough time to do that. If you do not have a particular need, then a half day might be enough to run the show floor, chat with a few reps, and gather information on new things to investigate later at home.

On the other hand, if you are interested in education, WCAF is a smorgasbord -- more classes than any other show in the USA. Several are offered only there, all are good, and some are excellent. The best deal is to buy the $395 (before 12/20) "VIP Option" and take all the classes you want (with six exceptions).

If you intend to take classes, book them as soon as possible, as the most popular ones fill up in a hurry.
From the view of where you're from and where you will be returning to....

make a list of who is available in Oz.... go see them.
As Jim says "run" the floor... find any potentials..

but plan on the most time spent in classrooms.. it's like no other.
For those interested in massive education, a word about exhibitors:

These suppliers of products and services to our businesses foot the bill for much of what we enjoy at any trade show. Be kind to them. Tell them you appreciate their support and give them orders. Share the love, my friends.
Shouldn't we be on the trade show floor feet firmly planted in front of the Frank's Fabrics booth swooning over your presentation?
jPaul, you were supposed to buy your Acid Free Grumbler t-shirt from Hanna.. didn't you get the memo?

And by the way.... it may be still "walk like a pirate day"...

Julia, you sweet talker you. And a very good student too. How many of my classes have you taken now...?

or should I worry about being stalked? :D

I expect to see you Tuesday morning, same as last year.
Now, now Baer. A stalker I am not; I always admire from afar. You can bet on seeing me Tuesday AM.
Don't make the same mistake I did.

I signed up and paid for my classes the other day, and today while looking thru United 95th Anniversary Catalogue I found their coupon for a Buy One Class, Get One Free Offer! for the Las Vegas Show.

Very nice of you United!

So for anyone still buying their classes it is code UMSNC, you of course get the cheaper second class for free.
Great tip jPaul... and if you squeez out about a half hour for a third class free... head on over to Frank's Fabric for Framers and play with a little fabric and ask all the questions you want.

It's not really a class as much as it is a <font size=1>hmmmm Frank is gonna shoot me on this one</font> Party. :D

We will also be playing clips of my new Fabric Wrapping 101 video which will also be available...

<font size=1>now I'm so embarrassed by that shameless plug...</font>