KL Smith
CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
I had a local artist call me today and identify himself as a custom framer. He works out of his basement and while I was for the most part, unaware of his presence as a framer, he is technically in direct competition with me in our very small town. I have a full retail art and frame gallery and all the expenses that go with it. He has a basement. He wants me to order him a certain LJ frame for a job he has to do. When I asked why he didn't just call LJ himself, he said he doesn't do enough business with them to qualify (no storefront is LJ's the rule here.
What would you do?
A: Sell him the frame at a bit (10 - 25% +/-) above my cost?
B: Sell him the frame at full retail?
C: Tell him to go whistle?
What would you do?
A: Sell him the frame at a bit (10 - 25% +/-) above my cost?
B: Sell him the frame at full retail?
C: Tell him to go whistle?