What OTHER items/services do you offer?

Framing related items we carry (pick as many as desired)

  • Total voters

Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
QuickPoll and discussion: What other value added services and items do you offer in your shop, besides custom framing?

What works in your area, and what has failed in the past?

A special thanks to John Ranes, for sorting the questions into a logical format.

Vendors and non frame shop owners: You DO NOT have to vote to view the results.

Thanks in advance for your input

PS: Other recent polls:
Marketing: What is effective?
Moulding, Mat, & Glazing Survey
2003 Framing Technology Survey: CMC, POS, WEB, EMAIL, INET@WORK

[ 02-25-2004, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
Art Restoration

Digital & Photo restoration/enlargement

Fine Art digital printing (Giclee/Inkjet)

In-house decorators

art installation

[ 02-25-2004, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: lessafinger ]
Albums, as opposed to scrapbooking...
Missed the self service digital machine though! Dodgy clicker on Mr. Micey...
Yikes, I missed the boat and forgot quite a few services!

The results will still be interesting, and I've noted the missing items for the next time we recycle the topic.
What Mike!! No category for Nutcrackers?

Seriously......despite the few items missed, it covers many items well.

Only 6 days remaining before this poll closes....Please add to the stats if you have not already voted.

Shouldn't this have been moved to the Voting Booth?

restoration of works on paper

restoration of works on canvas

restoration of antique frames

fine art valuations

advice on investing in fine art
Art Restoration (some outsource)

Art Installation

In home or office Consulting

Appraisals (outsource)

Secondary Market Search

And educational information

Design, mount and assemble sample boards for Interior Designer's

Canvas transfers, photo restorations and enlargements, art installation, in-home/office consultations, full lines of furniture, stained glass windows and mosaic tables, blown glass, steel panels, and lamps. We will be adding Interior design and linens; Kind of a whole home concept.
Today is the last day to register your feedback.


PS: If you have any poll ideas for the future, let me know!