John's right, lise; this thread should be loaded up with comments. And that has been an informative thread about vendor updates, as well.
Looking back with an admittedly jaundiced eye on the recent history of framing POS systems, it seems to me that FullCalc got there fustest with the mostest and were eventually eclipsed by Lifesaver. Ferensoft, with what seems like a beautiful system, never really has taken hold and may well be a lesson for training marketing analysts in b-schools.
Speaking of business schools, we are happy to know that they are training even more generations of Enron types for our society since they consider the basis of their ethical teachings to be standing firm on the theory of relativism. Now THERE's an oxymoron to rival the best of them!
Anyway. it seems to me that Specialty Soft and FrameReady are at the top of their games right now and really present a beautiful product and service both. Although I'm personally intrigued with Artisan StoreFront and its apparent efficiency, I just don't like looking at the dated DOS screens in this day and age.
Now here's some perverse thinking which has to drive marketing people schizo (which is their most productive modus operandi anyway). I'm quite familiar with the FileMaker Pro platform on which FrameReady is based (and therefore understand its utility and limitations). I don't know squat about the VBase-based Specialty Soft platform but programmers use it for lots of different stuff, including difficult real-time simulation programs where UNIX used to reign.
Now here's where it gets perverse

: Bein' as I could come close to doing something which resembled FrameReady myself, it must not be near as smart as SpecialtySoft's program because I don't know diddly about how it works.
Now that is so illogical it even burns me up!

Go figger.