What is YOUR average ticket size?

What is YOUR shop's average custom framing ticket size?

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Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
RESULTS from previous surveys: LINK TO RESULTS

What is YOUR average ticket size?

Note: Custom framing orders only. Not including photo frames, readymades, gift items, or repairs. All figures in US Dollars please

I hope everyone will jump in to discuss.

<size=1>-This survey is intended for framers.
-Your poll selections are anonymous, although discussion is public and encouraged.
-Results represent only a small sample of the industry, and should NOT be used as a planning tool/business plan.
-This survey is purely for entertainment and discussion. </size>
This topic has always made me think long and hard about the true meaning of this number.

Without getting too picky about all the variations of components that go into each order (canvas has no glass or backing; premiums mats, glass, . . ) I feel that the average ticket amount doesn't say enough about the bottom line.

Lets talk average ticket - relative to average united inch.

For example - would you agree that shop A with an AT of $150 and an AUI of 60 might not be as profitable as shop B whose AUI is 36 with the same AT of $150?

There would be differences in labor costs, basic materials, and mat/board/glass costs.

Ironically, the reports that I get from LifeSaver don't give me the average UI. :(
I guess that is a good thing. That most people are seeing an increase in their average ticket price.

I want to see the shops that have the average ticket price of $300.00, That blows me away!

What am I doing wrong? What ever it is that I am doing wrong, everybody else is too, except for two of you!

These poles are fun to look at!
Originally posted by ERIC:
Ironically, the reports that I get from LifeSaver don't give me the average UI. :(
FrameReady does. And it does it for each category of framing you do such as canvas, poster, shadowbox, etc.

Good argument Eric. If all we did was 8 x 10s and had an average retail price of $150 we would be more profitable than a shop with an average of $175 and they did all 32 x 40 frames.

That is why it is so hard to apply some of the surveys to our individual businesses.
We keep stats. on everything. This one is always of great interest. 5 to 10 years ago our average work order (retail) was $350.00 and in the last few years it has come down to $150.00. Our customers are bringing in very cheap art and they don't want to spend the money. We have to work so hard for that $150.00. Those great days of Limited Editions are over.

That is the truth! I opened my doors in July of 2000 and that was the begining of the downward trend.

Oh to have been a frameshop owner in the 80's and 90's. In the 80's it was counted cross-stitch and the 90's was limited edition prints.

Now it is shadow boxing, I mean, how many of those things can people have. I do alot of jerseys and odds and ends.

You're so right Marie, It like pulling teeth to get that $150.00 sale.

We have been growing but it is scarey to think of the future. I'm hoping things will cycle back around to wanting to be different in decor trends. Right now it is everybody has the same stuff that Kirklands or Pottery chains are kicking out.

Take Goltz's course "effective pricing strategy" then raise prices accordingly.

I find several things chilling: the total number of people with averages below $200 combined with the high percentage of people who's numbers haven't shown an increase.


Everything's gone up in the past year--insurance, suppliers' prices, cost of living (slightly but up nonetheless)--yet over 30% of the people here haven't raised prices????

Makes no sense to me. But what do I know?
The 80's and counted cross stitch did not make as much profit as today with the shadow box today.

We have always had a mix of items to frame and I think with the help of the pos, others sharing information and technology we are better off even with the BB competition.

We can look back and learn from history but I'm not sure I want to go back and redo it.
I decided to build my name as the "good quality discount framer" I know this may hit a sore spot with some of you, but custom framing isn't my most profitable business, and I don't play on making it that way, yet.

Art and Scrapbooking sales profits are so much higher than I would have expected and I intend to keep my fingers in those pots. Hence the reason I just attended the CHA convention in Vegas. The more scrapbooking.. the better.

I frame more or less for the fun of it. My average framing order is from $75 to $100. I decided to do it cheap, make a comfy profit and have fun. I frame my own stuff all the time and give friends and family members discounts. My largest order was $300 and I made about $200 profit and of course I was happy with this.

I bought all my tools for close to $1500 including the chopper. We own the building and live above it. Costs are low.. very low.. I can frame for low price and beat any competitor, that makes me feel good.

So yeah.. I feel good about my numbers.
(as i'm losing money in vegas)
Originally posted by JPete:
The 80's and counted cross stitch did not make as much profit as the shadow box of today or todays counted cross stitch. We are having the older customers who did that needle work themselves bringing it in to be done right and more upscale.

We have always had a mix of items to frame and I think with the help of the pos, others sharing information and technology we are better off even with the BB competition.

We can look back and learn from history but I'm not sure I want to go back and redo it.
Somebody around here is selling those Giclee canvas prints unstretched for beans door to door. I know several people that bought them at thier place of work from a street vendor. They buy them for ten bucks so anything over 60 to stretch and frame is outragous. A friend's wife bought 5 for 45 dollars and had a heart attack when I gave her a quote of $650 for 5(24x30) strecthed, liner, and gold frame. She looked at me like I molested her dog. She has been dragging those **** things around San Antonio trying get them framed for months. Do people like that really think if they waste enough framers time, on will crack and do it for free?
Originally posted by Mike LeCompte CPF:
I find several things chilling: the total number of people with averages below $200 combined with the high percentage of people who's numbers haven't shown an increase.
My numbers have gone up by over 15%, but my 2004 average and 2005 average both fell within a single price group in the poll so I called it "about the same"
Originally posted by Mike LeCompte CPF:

Everything's gone up in the past year--insurance, suppliers' prices, cost of living (slightly but up nonetheless)--yet over 30% of the people here haven't raised prices????

I don't believe that this reflects a lack of price increase. Many customers are more frugal and will accept lower quality. Look back 3 or 4 years ago when there was an endless supply of money coming from refinancing of mortgages. I've worked in the real estate and mortgage industry for nearly ten years now. The same clients would have me pay off all of thier debt once a year. They would then load those credit cards back up knowing they could refinance again. Eventually there was a reality check and there was no more equity and rates increased. Now people are trying to get by on thier income alone.

All indications from what I hear on the G is that shop owners are finally looking at pricing seriously. I bet while many stores have not increased gross sales, they have seen at least a small increase in net profit due to better buying and pricing strategies.
I think it is partially attributable to the "Walmart Affect". Consumers have been convinced through constant advertizing to base purchasing decisions solely on price. "I got this toaster oven for 20 bucks... yeah I know it will only last a year or two... BUT I ONLY PAID 20 BUCKS!!!" Quality to a large degree is increasingly playing a diminished role to price.
Originally posted by Mike LeCompte CPF:
Everything's gone up in the past year--insurance, suppliers' prices, cost of living (slightly but up nonetheless)--yet over 30% of the people here haven't raised prices????
This question isn't addressed by the poll. It doesn't ask if our prices are up, only our average. Since prices ARE higher folks might be less inclined to go ahead and add that fillet.
All indications from what I hear on the G is that shop owners are finally looking at pricing seriously. I bet while many stores have not increased gross sales, they have seen at least a small increase in net profit due to better buying and pricing strategies.
I agree Jeff. I think it has become the age of enlightenment for many owners in the industry that approach framing as more of hobby or craft and neglect a strong business approach. I realize owners can do what they want with their business. Looking at the advice of our industry business leaders and educators that approach proves to be unfeasible in terms of survival and growth. Just here on the Grumble there are an increasing number of business liquidations listed in the Commercial Posts section.
Another factor is what I call perceived value. When mass marketers are selling wall decor for $149.00 and it is a trendy image, 20x24 and stylishly presented then all of a sudden the perceived value of a stylish trendy 20x24 framed image becomes $149.00 and a custom framed presentation at $319.00 becomes a really hard sell.

Even if you point out that one wine poster is corrugated backed and the other is in a roma frame completely filled with coroplast the piece at Bed Bath and Beyond is going to affect the customer's perception of what the going rate for a 20x24 poster is.

Throw into the mix the regional chain buying boxes of a roma knock off at .79 a foot and custom framing that same wine poster for $189.00 in a presentation that looks, to a casual consumer, identical to your $319.00 and your selling job becomes that much harder.

We are competing with the whole world these days and the business model of 3000 corner samples bought one at a time by chop and sold at a formulaic 3x mark-up is going to be hard to maintain. The shadow boxes, full conservation treatments and specialty jobs are great but most shops need to do a fair amount of bread & butter utility framing to prosper. The average ticket for that kind of work has some significant downward pressures.

Peter Bowe
Saline Picture Frame Co.
Originally posted by Peter Bowe:

We are competing with the whole world these days and the business model of 3000 corner samples bought one at a time by chop and sold at a formulaic 3x mark-up is going to be hard to maintain. The shadow boxes, full conservation treatments and specialty jobs are great but most shops need to do a fair amount of bread & butter utility framing to prosper. The average ticket for that kind of work has some significant downward pressures.

Unfortunately, so many independent shops don't even stock the bread and butter items. $3/ft chops can be replaced with 50 cent length moulding. Retail on that can remain $9 for increased profit or run an instock special to compete with the BBs. It doesn't take many chops to add up to the price of a box of moulding. That same item can now be sold at $6.50/ft on sale with the same dollar profit per foot.
Thank you Peter. I agree 100%!

Selling price, and that alone is in no way an accurate measure of the quality of the business. Some very important factors are buying price, customer satisfaction, owner satisfaction, volume, profit, and others.

I have seen a shop that had shockingly low prices. I would trade shops with him in a milli-second.
This is a great thread/poll! I have also noticed the trendily framed decorator prints for half the price everywhere! ...and those oils on canvas from china; I saw several large ones already stretched and framed in huge frames ranging from $250-$500.00. Is this also devaluing original artwork? I work so hard on my paintings, I don't want to sell them for a hundred dollars.

Don't get me wrong, I think many of the oils look great, it just concerns me as an artist that I will never be able to compete with them. Especially since they are "original" and they already come framed for way less than it would cost in a custom framing store... which could mean that their empty space over the fire place was covered and not with a framers help. I don't know what my point is... I guess I'm just concerned in general.
Originally posted by Mike LeCompte CPF:
Everything's gone up in the past year--insurance, suppliers' prices, cost of living (slightly but up nonetheless)--yet over 30% of the people here haven't raised prices????
Mike, the prices in a POS will rise automatically when the suppliers raise their prices.

But as Gas hit $3.00, we all were noticing the lack of customers. As the war drags on, it will become even more uncertain times. And we will see people pulling back even more.

And as noted before, the cashe of LEs and Giclees are going away. You can now buy "Giclees" for less than the cost of the ink on an inkjet. Why? because the "off-shores" have been knocking hard.

Also the couple that 10 years ago needed that 30x50 to grace the wall on their large home, have since retired, and now want a 20x24 for their condo.

A framejob on a kid art of 5 years ago, is now plak art for half that cost.

I don't know whats going on out there, but we had three guys into the shop today who want to "make their own frames" to save money..... the one guy, I showed the chopper to and quoted him length and if I make the frame.... we'll be making the frame.
Bob must not be reading the G today otherwise I am sure that he would have said something by now.

Studies have shown that a high % (Bob will have the number)have spent less than 100 on framing yet, so far in this poll 84% say their average ticket is over $125.

Does that strike anyone as wrong? Or is it that people here just don't want to do the type of framing that most consumers want?
If I sell 5 poster jobs @ $70, and 2 nice frame jobs at $250... my "average" ticket is $850 divided by 7 = $121.43 but if I sell three @ $250... then my ticket just jumped to $137.50. Or just over that $125 bracket, but no where near the $175 which would be the tattle-tale of a "higher dollar" store.

It really depends how you crunch your numbers. If we look at our total dollars retail and commercial jobs, our AT drops to a dismal $87. But our retail is a healthy nicer framing at $167... which goes no where near the occational $2,000-3,000 frame job of 1 or 2 frames.
Tim, my recollection was 46% indicate they spent under $100.

Baer illustrates the key problem with "averages." A very interesting number to me would be to compare Mean to Median. Unfortunately, none of the software I have seen will give us a median price number and hand calculating it is too much work.

Tim, I suspect, the biggest correlation between "lower" averages and "higher" ones is the number of "under $100" a shop takes in.

P.S. After talking to a number of framers at the WCAF, I am fairly certain that more of us than the pundits indicate actually cater quite well to the lower price range. If we could get that "Median number" I suspect we would find that price is not our problem, perception is!
I guess I'm different - I don't want volume - I'm retired from my previous profession. But, I do want to make money without the hassle of employees. So, unless I have a specific budget request, I unashamedly push Munn chops from Munn Frameworks, higher end frames from my other suppliers and closed corner frames - also fillets, fabric mats and Museum Glass. As a result my typical frame has a retail price for chop between $25 and $40, with many higher. The Munn's are especially profitable because of a 25% volume discount, based on dollars not feet, and achievable by a small shop. Admittedly, my clientèle find me in an antique center, and the Munn's are especially suited for their taste, but the lesson I've learned by showing quality first should be considered by all. It also helps to develop a relationship with a supplier that gives both of you the chance to profit.

That's why my average ticket is above $300.

PS - My wall and sample framing is all high end ranging from $300 for smalls up to $2000 for larger pieces. Many of my most expensive sales came from shoppers that remembered the samples and came back for their framing.

Pat :D
Well, Tim, here is my take on these numbers. We get a lot of guessing and even more "spinning"

Peer pressure has made most framers fearful of suggesting that they embrace a "wider" segment of framing. Some things get repeated so often that it becomes the norm (things like 30% CoG)

As always, the aggregate number is stronger than any single portion.

I think a more meaningful intrepretation ought to come from a comprehensive Balance of Sale. That being determining how much of your business comes from distinct (and separate) segments of your custom framing business

For example, instead of worrying about some mythical average, how much of your business comes from High End, how much comes from middle range, bread and butter and how much comes from that opening price point segment

If you tracked those segments, it would give you a much better analysis of where increases or decreases really occurred. And certainly, a much more focused direction on where to improve your biz

As always, a good blend of all three segments is a wiser course in changing marketplaces and creates a much more easily defined course of correction

As Cliff correctly points out (and thanks for staying awake during my class)almost half of the consumers reported spending less than $100 on their last project. To ignore that large a segment of the market (that actually did use our services)is something that I won't do.

A fundamental rule of the marketplace is that if you ignore the marketplace, the marketplace wil soon ignore you

I agree with Cliff in that more framers do offer product in the lower price range. Perhaps, not effectively. They are just afraid to admit it in public
As usual, Bob makes more sense in one post than most do in a dozen.

I mentioned earlier taking Goltz's course on pricing. Then read articles written by designers from Larson and others. What do they say? Put the best stuff on your walls and start the design with the most attractive presentation possible.

Just got finished doing the latter: had a framed piece on the wall with a big LJ profile, fabric mat, two fillets and AR glass. Showed the customer the framed piece and we just HAD to duplicate it for her work. Ticket was over $700

Not an isolated instance.

And O yeah, we also offer lower priced choices for those who are price conscious.

But nmow that Bob's mentioned it I'm guessing that 70% of our cusdtomers are looking for designs they don't see in every Walmart, Crate and Barrel or whatever and are willing to spend for that look.

But why dont' we track these sales for a month or two and come back with another poll--high end/midrange/bread and butter.

Now that would be interesting to note too.

O and our average ticket sales today so far are mid $300. And one poster package for $90
Wow your poster package is right there in the area what most customers claim they last spent on custom framing.

Just a note.

Carry on.
Hi Mike-Thanks for the kind words

I think your assessment of the 70% is a great starting point in really understanding your clientele.

Imagine if I said to you that by offering a $90 poster package that you might attract an additional 30% customer base? Who wouldn't want to do that?

Each of us ought to consciously (and willingly) look for ways to market to those very different groups

And, not be afraid to say it in public

To ignore that large a segment of the marketplace...well, you know what I mean
We've incorporated--or tried to--the teachings of the industry's gurus; one in particular that struck me was Greg Perkins' article awhile back in which he said--and he had said it previously--to only hang the best stuff on the walls and to offer the best design for the project first. You could always "drop down" in price. SO taking his words to heart, this is what we've done.

You may recall awhile back I started the thread pertaining to hanging art vs. framed models on the walls. We're now slowly gravitating toward the framed model approach since we can gain inspiration from them and inmcrease our ticket prices.

And yes, we STILL show the $90 poster package as reflected in a framed Ansel Adams. So we don't ignore that segment either.
I have always been interested in the fact that people like to look at Average Ticket. Quite honestly, average ticket does not pay the bills. Sure it is a factor but one must also consider number of tickets as well. Somebody might do 2 sales a day @ $300 and that would be their average ticket and their profit would be approx 400 if 30% COG.

Now take the framer who has a average ticket of 125 who does 15 pieces a day. That framer makes 1312 profit, assuming the same COG.

Sales per square foot, average ticket and other ways of measuring a business are nice to look at and can be used to make improvements but, it all comes down to profit when you pay the bills.

I know there are some out there who say I can make more profit dollars while at the same time not working as much but, they are also turning away customers that could spend big money on framing at a later date.

In order for the independant framer to surive, he/she needs to realize that everyone does not need expensive framing. Our world is decorating their homes with art that they want to feel comfortable throwing away in 5 years when they redecorate again. They also have those $12 Scarface posters that need a frame, too many framers don't want to touch them. I know that both Bob and I have made very good money framing those because others will not frame them. And the best thing is that many of those customers pay in cash
and tell their friends.

Sure, always show your best design but, don't get offended or refuse to help them if they want the cheapest way possible. Unless of course, if you don't want your average ticket to go lower.
tim and bob: that was exactly my point: that's why we have on our walls the Ansel Adams iframed in a "poster package" sorta design along with the stacked frames, double fillets, etc. Show a wide range of options while still keeping those "highly creative" looks lots of people still want. But yet still show those inexpensive approaches tht won't scare people out the door
I have always suggested that we framers take a more "Nissan" view as opposed to an "Lamboghini" model. That being that Nissan has a built in Vertical Integration right up from the least expensive vehicle they sell right up to the top of the line.

One product doesn't cannibalize the other

But, a satisfied "Nissan" cleint is much more likely to buy another "Nissan" vehicle when another vehicle is needed. It might be a sub-compact, a SUV, a pick up or a top of the line sedan. Each type contributes to the aggegate.

And, bet the farm each is priced competitively and profitably.

While the "Lamborghini" makes a great car and they do quite well and make a superior poduct, too many of us think we are the same type of model

Trust me when I say you are probably kidding yourselves if you think you are in the same category. And, I don't mean that in a mean spirited way, but to point out there are differences
Funny that no one has brought this question up?

How many of your customers want to spend your "average ticket" price for anything on an ongoing, regular basis, that will keep them coming back to your store frequently?

Many years ago, my mother (who is a professional shopper - really, she shops for other people) and who knows retail backwards and forwards came into one of our stores and said, "the problem here is that to do any business with you requires me to spend $100." And she was right. Posters were $25 and our least expensive poster package was $75.

So, we were self limiting by the product mix we carried. By only focusing on "custom framing and fine art" we denied those customers who liked doing business with us the opportunity to spend money for something that cost LESS than $100.

Our answer was to DIVERSIFY and sell other products that fit our mix for less than $100.

Yeah, yeah this poll was about the average FRAMING ticket, but sometimes we can't see the forest from the trees. A high framing ticket maight not lead to every day success in the new retail world.
Bob, I think you are right.

And I think that the Name Brand "Nissan" has built is what is important.(building Trust in one Brand, From the top of the line to the average Joe line)

That takes us back to the point of Company Signs in our stores and product branding.
Nissan has built that trust by building a good product and "branding" it to the general public. (Toyota and Honda have too)

I think companies like Larson Juhl are seeing the benifits of that kind of branding and are trying to act on it. If the general public starts seeing name brands in framing retail stores and in magazines, they will feel more comfortable about coming into our stores and spending the kind of money it takes to do Custon framing.
Maybe in the furture we won't even have to worry about the BB's because they will be considered the "Pinto" of the industy and the customers they will draw, are not the ones we want to deal with anyway.
(The "Something for nothing" crowd.)

This months Traditional Homes Magazine is a good example of that branding for us.(Larson has a full page ad)

We need to support the companys that are going to help us be recongnize out in the general public. When people realize there is a difference in our product line, they will be more likely to choose the one that is the most talked about.

People want to know what they are buying and I think that for years they just trusted thier local framer. But, Now the trend is to be more educated when purchasing and people want the best (and what everybody else has), and that is why branding is so effective in our day.

And I think that in our line of product, Munn (and companies like that) are the Lamboughni of our industry, and Larson and Roma are the Nissans, Hondas and Toyota.

Just my opinion

There are a number of factors that put me in the lower price ranks:
1. small, rural, lower-income population
2. fuel prices - many low, fixed incomes
3. Wal-Mart mentality - the vast majority of my customers honestly feel I'm ripping them off when, in fact, my pricing is low-end - I couldn't stay in business (there'd be no customers) if I priced the way many of you do. I do maintain some higher end values that I can sell to certain customers, but there sure aren't enough of those kinds of customers in my little corner of the world.
I seem to fall into about the same area in this poll that I did in the $per hr poll. I think it would be interesting to see the two side by side. Also I'm curious about the frame "package" concept. I've put together some "package deals", entered the info into my pos data base and now am having second thoughts before I've actually got them displayed. I have two concerns. First that customers who may have been perfectly happy with a more expensive approach may opt for the cheaper "package" right off the bat. Second, that the inexpensive "package" will give the impression that other choices are over priced. Am I over thinking this? What are your thoughts/expeiences? We have probably 4000 mldg samples and tons of mat samples. Is it a mistake or a useful tool to display inexpensive "packages" ?
Terry-Imagine that you sell Nissan's (we all get way to emotional when we sell framing). Would the fact that you carry Sentras impact the amount of Camry's or Maxima's you sell (I do have the right models, don't I) or even Altima's or how about 300ZX's?

Not if you have good salespeople and a good merchandising plan.

How about maybe even the same family that maybe has an Altima and a 300ZX?
I guess I don't know if those are the right models or not, I drive an "87 Audi with 256,000 mi. I would like to upgrade, maybe a '90 or '91. If the cheap one's featured right up front I may not look past it. I'm busy, it's just transportation, I just want to get back on the road. My concern isn't so much about offering the choice, we have that now. It's more about featuring and promoting a low price alternative. It may be a solution in search of a problem and I'm wondering if it's wise to feature it too prominently? Could be there's only one way to find out though.

I tried the 'frame package' thing and it did not work well. Even though I had 2000 moulding samples on the wall, folks would try their best to pick a package even if there was a better looking or more feasible option. So I no longer have such a beast.

Having said that, I do very well with a 'poster frame special' that consist of OEM metal, plain glass, and speed mount. I am cheaper than the BB's with this special and complete the work faster by stocking the metal in box quantity.
Terry-I think you are the perfect candidate to run a little "test program"

First, take something narrow like a poster framing package. Select three (or so)OEM metals that you can buy "much better" than your usual pricing. Make them 11 or 5 series, for example. Forget UVCLR glass or ArtCare foamboard

Price the package not just at good prices, but great prices. You are absolutely looking for that "Oh, Wow" factor

And, here is where most framers fall off the wagon. Always offer some "trade up" items at attractive prices. For example, "For $30 more, we have this Studio 26101 wooden mldg" or "We also recommend UVCLR glass for this size for only $15 extra". Tout the benefits and "Super size" it

Now, for all the "Yeah, but" folks out there (and you know who you are), if you really think that the guy walking in with that Brittney Spears poster really wants to spend $250, maybe I can sell you a couple of sessions in the "Brittney Driving School"

There were 26 million posters sold last year. How many did you frame?

We always talk about "niche markets" and shadowboxes always seem to come front and center. I'll guarantee that if you see a couple of boxes a month thats a lot and most of us "undercharge" for the time (both design and construction)on these testimonials to our egos

Advertise it? Promote it? Sure, but only if you really want to increase your sales and profits without disturbing your "Maxima, Camry and 300Zx" business

But, you really need to buy effectively on these limited items and offer some easy trade up ideas
Thanks for the input. Jerry, did you find that offering packages was at least quick and easy? Sure being able to "buy right" is important but I think it may be a little over rated. I think there is a lot more tied up in time than material cost with custom framing. I want something that the customer is able to quickly make a decision on and I can get framed and out the door in short order. Wishful thinking? What do you save on an 18x24 by "buying right" $10, $15? And how much do you tie up in inventory? Save me a half hr or more in time and I've 2x, 3x, my buying right savings? And at$0 cost. Unless of course it cost me a much bigger sale.
Bob, are you nomminating me for best Grumbler Guinea Pig?
onemore thing to add to what Bob said. We and some others on here offer a "value package"--say it's $80 for a 24 x 36, metal OEM backed and glazed. Now for an additional $XX you can get a basic wood--like a 3/4" black or something else you've bought by the box. A little trade-upm but now you're selling wooden moulding that the customer didn't expect to get.

A LITTLE wow factor, but wow nonetheless.
Great idea Mike. Every customer loves a little sizzle (even if it is a little)

But, the client that wants more will have no trouble moving up the ladder

HJow many use this same type of "package" an dhow many incorporate some "built-in" trade ups

Maybe some other "success stories" might give Terry a little less uneasiness

I think one of the most "Oh Doh" things, and one I expect will prove the most valuable, that I learned in Vegas was what I'll call "Do you want fries with that" idea! Or, as you describe it Supersize it. It's so obvious, yet evey implementation I'd seen, and every one I thought of was a "discounted" offering. Having the "preplanned upgrades" is the key. I am thinking of making a "restaurant menu" with the "special" and all the side dishes you can order.

I haven't had time to make a plan to implement because I've been working very late every night since I got back. (That wasn't a complaint!)

I have purchase some new lighting, designed some new signs, and purchased some new shelving. All ideas generated from the show. Now, if I could just get these frames made so I could get to all these great ideas I have half started!
As Bob and Mike have said, a poster package or value package is a very good tool. And haing some sort of "upgrade" is even better. It is all about a "perceived" value. In many cases you can buy a wood frame for less than the metal OEM and the perceived value is more. In other words, you can buy well and have a very competitive price on a 24 x 36 Brittney or Scarface poster in metal for $60 and then have the same thing but in wood for $20 more and make even more profit.

Is buying well overrated...no it is a necessity. If someone thinks that shelling out 200-300 for a box of moulding is not worth it then there are 2 things that need to be considered...One, the person is too small of a shop and really does not do the volume (not more than 10 pieces a week) or the person really does not understand the advantages of buying well or does not understand their market.

Many people here would have no problem shelling out 200-300 for a new tool that would be cool to have in their shop but, many of those same people do not want to try a box of moulding and a poster package which would bring in much more profit if marketed correctly.

Poster packages account for approx. 20-30 orders a week and many of those people also bring us their jerseys, family heirlooms, and original art to us as well.

Terry, try out the package as Bob says. Buy a cheap black wood moulding from TC Moulding (440-10 has worked well for us) and see what happens. If it doesn't work then you are out a couple hundred dollars (if you don't sell any). As for time, it shouldn't take more than 30 minutes to do one with a metal, and no more than 45 for wood. I don't know if you deal with TC but talk to them about your glass and foam, you may be able to buy well from them on everything needed for your package.
Happily for me there is a strong trend toward higher ticket framejobs but, please, can't we just burn out all the intermediary stages and settle for the highest ticket right now?
Believe me, I wouldn't have a problem with that but the gap seems to be ever widening. On the one hand we have customers that seem to be more willing than ever to shell out for the high end. Then we have the extreme bargain hunter. They might not even come in the door if the perception is that you're too pricey. Whats missing is the middle. And I feel that pain too. I'm stuck in 1999 with 21st century costs. Fortunately so far 2006 is off to little better start than 2005 and have been quite busy. I do hope to launch the package program soon though, before the traditional spring slowdown.
Reminder: Final day. Please share your opinions.
This poll is now finished, but the results are still open for discussion.

What is YOUR shop's average custom framing ticket size?

01% $74 or less (in US $)
04% $75-$99
11% $100-$124
16% $125-$149
20% $150-$174 *
14% $175-$199
05% $200-$224
06% $225-$249
06% $250-$274
03% $275-$299
08% $300 or more
03% NONE / Does Not Apply
01% I don't know/don't track such things
OTHER (please explain in a post) 0% (0)

Do you feel this has gone UP or DOWN in the past year?

50% UP (higher than previous years)
32% SAME (about the same as previous years)
07% DOWN (lower than previous years)
02% I don't know/I don't track such things
09% NONE / Does Not Apply