PFG, Picture Framing God
I tried to post something last night and got the message that it couldn't be processed because the administrator had enabled flood protection.
Today I tried to send a topic to a friend and got the same message.
This has never happened before and I'm wondering what the heck this means and why is it happening?
I'm having some other weird things on the computer at work too.
Lately my yahoo mail service says I have new messages when I don't and sometimes it says I don't have any messages and I do.
Computers are so confusing.
[ 09-11-2003, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: D. Derbonne ]
Today I tried to send a topic to a friend and got the same message.
This has never happened before and I'm wondering what the heck this means and why is it happening?
I'm having some other weird things on the computer at work too.
Lately my yahoo mail service says I have new messages when I don't and sometimes it says I don't have any messages and I do.
Computers are so confusing.

[ 09-11-2003, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: D. Derbonne ]