what is flood protection?


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 12, 2001
Middleburg, FL
semi retired
I tried to post something last night and got the message that it couldn't be processed because the administrator had enabled flood protection.
Today I tried to send a topic to a friend and got the same message.
This has never happened before and I'm wondering what the heck this means and why is it happening?

I'm having some other weird things on the computer at work too.
Lately my yahoo mail service says I have new messages when I don't and sometimes it says I don't have any messages and I do.
Computers are so confusing. :confused:

[ 09-11-2003, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: D. Derbonne ]
Hi Deb,

It's nothing you did wrong, it's just a feature of the UltimateBB software.

"Flood protection" is a feature of this chat system, designed to protect it from people who might have come here with the intention of "spamming". It restricts how many messages a person is allowed to post within a certain amount of seconds. (you must be a fast typer!)

There are certain folks that look for these type of bases and will "flood" each forum with repeated ads. (the same type that send spam by email, and wake you at 8am on a Sunday to sell you something)

Hope this helps clear up any confusion

Ron can't type as fast as Deb.
It wouldn't let me post. When I attempted my second post it told me I would have to wait 120 seconds between posts. Ron must have super human powers being a moderator.

Yes I know, scintilating.
I was going to ask for a non-moderator volunteer to try the same test I did.

Emibub read my mind.

That's scary.
I just posted a minute or less apart. Maybe you have to have flood insurance....
No, really, it's real

I get the same error frequently too. Moderators are probably exempt from the restriction...


[ 09-12-2003, 07:35 AM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
I think Emibub nailed it.*

Charles is a moderator, though not of this forum.

Moderators are not subject to the rules of flood protection, the rules of engagement or Roberts Rules of Order.

This is fortunate. Otherwise, I would be limited to something like 262,000 posts per year and I would have to wait my turn at meetings.

Also, I could not summarily execute customers who complain.

* Edit: Mike nailed it, too, but after-the-fact.

[ 09-12-2003, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: Ron Eggers ]