What happened to the 'time' feature?


PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
I noticed yesterday that none of the posts on the G have a time-stamp anymore. You can't see when ol' So-and-So posted something. The posts used to have the time they were posted, but they don't anymore. At least not on my computer.

Just curious. I kinda liked having it. It made a handy reference tool sometimes, because you could understand why someone posted while you were composing YOUR post.

Is it me, or the G?
I've noticed this myself every once in a while, but the date/time stamps come back after hitting refresh.. the page is not getting initialized properly or something.

On the other hand, I haven't noticed it since I've switched from IE to Firefox. Hmm...
Thanks for the link, Steve. I just did the download and websites are loading faster.
Just a word of caution, many of these "free" programs will allow spiders, data miners, and other intruders into your system and cause some problems, the least of which is an increase of unwanted SPAM in your email. I have had programs like WeatherBug, Gozilla, and others on my system in the past and have found that they are rigged to allow those who pay to sponsor these "free" programs to send spiders and data miners into the system and keep track of your actions and habits on the internet. I don't feel that it is anybody else's business what I do or where I go on the internet and I surely don't expect unwanted SPAM from anyone monitoring my movements.

Better to be informed than to have to be inundated with unwanted junk in the future.

I feel pretty confident about Firefox - it evolved from Netscape (Mozilla) and is heavily touted as being far more secure and less prone to exploits than Internet Explorer. No spyware, just plain free.

The Firefox team did a sweet job of importing everything from IE, including all the "special" tweaks I put in manually in the registry. And the only page I haven't seem load properly is MS Exchange Server's web interface for Outlook (and that doesn't surprise me one bit).

And like Deb said, it does seem to render pages faster than IE too...
Mozilla Firefox is a nice alternative. Having multiple choices is a good thing! I have both installed so I can test websites to make sure they display properly.

Just like Macs, Firefox enjoys a level of comfort which partially exists because the hackers just don't care as much about it. Their target is to exploit the largest group possible, and that would be the IE and Outlook users - because it comes installed on every PC.

I used to use Netscape ver(1-4) for years. When AOL became involved, the product started heading downhill and I jumped ship to IE. It's nice to see it coming back as a serious player. Microsoft NEEDS some innovative competition.

Mozilla Thunderbird is another great alternative, for EMAIL. Powerful and free.

Had a friend come over today and download everything I wanted to save onto a DVD. This puppy is going to the local repair guru tomorrow or Friday!

As you can see, I WAS able to get back on-line last night with the help of Tech Support. But this computer does the strangest things I ever saw in my life! I was off-line last night, writing some stuff down using WordPerfect...every time I would hit the 'new line' key, the danged SIGN-ON screen for MSN 8 would appear! Now, figure THAT one out, boys and girls!
Was interrupted on the last post by company last night. Anyway, in spite of all the maladies in this CPU, HDD, or whatever, I still think the 'time' feature is BBS related. It's there sometimes, gone other times, and will sometimes appear on a particular Forum, but not on others. I've seen some strange troubles in 30 yrs with the Fone Co, but NEVER anything like this computer!

Mike, I've decided to use the thing over the weekend, and take it to a friend of mine Monday, who's a genius where computers are concerned, but likes to blow stuff up. If you'd like to temporarily re-locate to warmer climes and work on my computer, I'll see that you are compensated well. (you don't have a particular attraction to dynamite, do you????)
It could have something to do with the ISP too. Many ISPs use proxy servers, which can sometimes cause odd behavior.

I have never seen the clock issue here, other than the time running fast. That IS a function of the server's internal clock.

No to dynamite!

Have you tried a different browser?


[ 12-30-2004, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
My deepest apologies, but there used to be a Hardware and Liquor store in Boulder named Valentine's. You could buy your dynamite with a chaser, go up in the hills and reconfigure some natural wonder. I haven't touched the stuff in many years.