What did I miss?

Jay H

PFG, Picture Framing God
Dec 8, 2003
I am designing a single mat for a letter. Overtop of that letter I'm putting 2 photos. What do I need to do get a mat around around the photos too? When you add an opening and put that opening over the existing larger opening of coarse you have no "border" mat around that smaller opening. Ill bet this is simple and I am making this difficult.

I will send a link to their website but I don't want to paste somebody else's image.

Go to www.kendallhartcraft.com/panels.html
then click on "panel styles" and choose style 108
Hi Jay...

For that type of design you'll have to use VCADD. VCADD really is pretty simple once you get a hang of navigating through how do the basic stuff, like selecting lines or zooming. What I would do is lay it out in the editor, click on the menu item File->Save As Path, and then launch VCADD and load that path file you just saved (one of the top-right toolbar buttons).

So you should have three overlapping rectangles at this point. For creating your design all you need are just three commands - break, offset, and trim.

First break the main opening's lines where the smaller rectangles overlap and then just delete the line segments you don't need any more. Then I would offset the lines of the small openings to create your "border"... Next just trim all the lines back together to create closed "circuits" of openings.

Finally, you need to run our PathTrace util that saves the cut order and bevel types, and you can cut the design directly from there.

Now if you're still thinking "what tha heck is he talking about?!?!?" feel free to email me the path file and I'll quickly modify it for you. This is a feature we're looking at making a whole lot easier to do in a future release. VCADD may be daunting but it really is worth learning.

UPDATE: I just noticed that you didn't get VCADD with your CMC package. So my offer still stands - feel free to email me your layout design...
You would be absolutly floored if you knew what I have been able to do without vcadd so far. Its something I WILL get as soon as I can afford it. This is childs play with the editor compared to some other stuff I've done. I was just thinking that there was something VERY simple I was missing. If I have problems I will get back to you. THANKS 1000 times.