What a Rip-off!


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Apr 18, 2004
There have been posts on favorite hand tools, tools you can't live without, tricks of the trade, and other positives--too many to mention.

Let's now hear on what not to buy, most useless hand tool, what a rip-off!, etc. Being a total "fool for tools" :D , I have a few I would gladly give away. I just can't throw them in the trash, although I have "thrown money away many times."

OK, I'll go first. . . Wire Winders
Fitting tool, the one that looks like a jaw, trigger-type handle. Made of "forged aluminum". Might as well been plastic. Went through 3 before I finally figured my fingers would work better. This was before the Fletcher point drivers were around, when we used brads and squeezed them in by hand. Hated the skinny mouldings. Sometimes the brads would slip right through and into your finger.
Finally invested in a brad nailer. This was a bazillion years ago (it seems!)
Originally posted by Jana:
I bought a rolling ruler once. :confused:
So, there WAS at least one other ;) <strike>dummy</strike> consumer ;) besides myself that purchased one of those things!! Actually, they did make a nice circle maker if you pinned one end down and put your pencil point in one of the graduated holes and pushed.

I had an escort too...head gasket blown. The outside looked nice, as well as the inside. But under the hood it was dead.

A Mat Maestro.
I regretfully was talked into a Ford EXP around 1986/1987. That was my first and last Ford. Its how I came to understand:



you forgot

Dead !!
Wire winders


However, the vast majority of american made cars from teh mid 70s right thru teh early 90s were terrible

and ill agree with the wire winders, but im not the one who bought them!
I got this little metal tool with some cresent paraphernalia. It is about the size of a drinking straw with one end flattened and the other flat but more pointed. You are supposed to use it to take prints off already mounted board. I use it for, just about, everything but! I love it and it's great for puttying.
Originally posted by EllenAtHowards:
How about the Mat Smacker? Oh, good... a fist substitute.
Yep, another one with me.
What, pray tell, is a wire winder???

Come on, fess up people - someone must have bought a Mat Smacker!!! (not me, although I did get a great laugh when I first saw it advertised)

Ruth - I love that little spatula you are talking about! I bought a half dozen of them from a surplus catalog ("Because this way you'll always know where one is!") - and I cannot live a day without them - at the shop and at home! Almost in the same category as Q-tips when it comes to multi-use!!!

I cannot think of any gadget or tool that I have ever bought that hasn't lived up to its promise. I must be lucky.

BTW - if anyone has really furry critters in yer life - get yerself a ShedEnder - now that is one amazing little gadget!!!
I brushed 3 cats-worth of hair out of my two cats yesterday. What is a ShedEnder?? And where can I get one??
I had an escort too...head gasket blown.
Our '94 Ford Taurus did that, too. A few years later the transmission died. The car now lives in the Buffalo, NY area. Look out Mar!

Where do you get those little spatulas? If they are such a cool tool I want one, too!

I'm going to Google ShedEnder.
Dang Ellen, you beat me to the mat smacker. We put it and the Winder, as well as an Alto Mat Mouse and a couple of other things we've picked up over the decades, in a shadowbox...

The plaque on the glass reads "Not even in an Emergency".
The ShedEnder I bought was at my local CVS drugstore for $9.99. Best money I have spent in years - I could make sweaters for all of my cats with the undercoat that is coming off.

Now if someone could come up with a foam edge crushed that was a little bit more ergonomic than the 2-ended roller gizmo - it works but it is hard to put pressure on it because of the other roller. Needs to be detacheable (hint, Peter, hint!).
Originally posted by Framar:
What, pray tell, is a wire winder???
Wire Winder (green, blue, and yellow)
United #5294 (no offense, Peter)
Wire Winder Makes neat work of wrapping most picture hanging wires. Includes three sizes to fit a variety of wires. Wraps wire neats.

Couldn't get the picture to copy.
Originally posted by deaconsbench:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dougj:
Stud finder
Wife has gone through 2 sets of batteries hasen't found a stud yet
I don't believe I would have told that one!
</font>[/QUOTE]Boy, what minds! Wife likes to hang art work for customers she gets to see what else they have and their likes are. HeHe gotcha