Well, that's just terrific.


Inactive Account
Sep 5, 1998
New Cumberland, PA
A supplier came in today, and he indicated to me that we can expect Crescent to soon do away with some, if not all, oversized mats from Tru-Vue. Anyone heard any similar rumors?
Hmmm, the Crescent rep I talked to said they recognized that much of the attractiveness of the line came from the "all are oversized" attribute and that they would keep it intact.

Of course, that said, one of the things a corporate marketing organization does is analyse what is yielding a good ROI. If a range of colors are losing money due to not producing enough return, I could see them deciding they weren't needed. This would come from a "data analyst" who would not understand that those of us that carry the line do so in part BECAUSE they all come oversized. Changing that attribute could well negate MANY other sales.

I am NOT saying Crescent will or will not understand this, but it is the kind of thing that "new" unfamiliar marketing personnel can fail to recognize. They should (as we should) first understand what their "unique selling attributes" are.
i just received the tru vue discontinued list...hope this is just normal discontinueds... not doing away with the line like i also heard.
Yes, I called Crescent a few weeks ago and talked with a vice president and they intend to keep the entire line of Millers as well as the numbers. As Cliff said, the uniqness was that all size all color combo. The industry keeps pushing for wider mats and Miller always came through for all their colors on that aspect!
Cliff's point is well illustrated ... it wasn't that long ago that Nielson discontinued a few really unique profiles, because, well, they didn't sell like hotcakes .... the very reason they were "unique". It's corporately understandable how the bean counters can make those bottom-line decisions, but that flies right in the face of "creative framing solutions".

Hmmmm . . .

Every time I mention how many frame samples I have on my walls, somebody asks, "How many of those do you actually sell?"

Probably about 10 out of the 2,500 up there. The other 2,490 are there just in case somebody might want something different.

I don't imagine Crescent took over the Tru Vue matboard line just to discontinue the whole thing and eliminate a competitor. Who would do such a thing?

Well, other than L-J?
it wasn't that long ago that Nielson discontinued a few really unique profiles, because, well, they didn't sell like hotcakes .... the very reason they were "unique". It's corporately understandable how the bean counters can make those bottom-line decisions, but that flies right in the face of "creative framing solutions".
I agree, and I say bring back all the discontinued Color Cores... Now!
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:

I don't imagine Crescent took over the Tru Vue mat board line just to discontinue the whole thing and eliminate a competitor.

Things like that do happen. As part of the mat board division transferring to Crescent, Crescent will no longer offer any type of glass products. Each company instantly lost a competitor. In the grand scheme of things it was a win win for both companies. I really hope they keep the Miller line in it's entirety, it is a large percentage of my mat board sales.