Well, HERE's a new one...


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 10, 1999
Howards retired
Just got my room confirmation for Atlanta, and it is in the name of Howard's Costume Framing. Is that specialized, or what? I've had Custom Farming but this....
It's always fun when there is a slight slip of the business name interpretation. Ellen's is great.

My own personal favorite is "Fine Art Conversation" instead of "Fine Art Conservation".

I'm pretty good at both, but prefer the former. :D

I'm thinking Louis XVI or perhaps Eastlake... If you were going as a frame, what frame would you go as? (and does this need to be moved to Warped?)
Gee, Ellen. What a split prsonality!

Louis XVI or Eastlake???

This is a fun game. I'm going as Tribecca 550285 stacked with a Nielsen brushed nickel. Or maybe that ivory looking one with the gold lip from LJ's Deco line.

CONGRATS on your 2000th post!

No idea what I'm going to wear to crash this party!
Does this mean we have to think up some lamé stories and jokes for the costume party?
I've had people come in to our shop, "The Framer's Loft", looking for Purina Rabbit Chow – obviously having transposed the "r" and the "a".

I couldn't think quickly enough to make some joke about filling their rabbets, though.
Several years back I worked for a shop called The Frame Cellar.... I had a young kid, maybe 16 come in and ask me to see the cell phones.... Frame CELLULAR I guess...

Also had a guy call me and ask if we picked up frames to be repaired. I assured him that we did have a van capable of picking up frames. I asked him to describe the frame so I would know if it was something I could repair. He informed me that it was the frame from a Camaro. Apparantly I'm now customizing auto frames...
I've always enjoyed the folks who walk into a frame shop with the word "frame" in it's name, wait a few minutes for the customer currently being waited upon to complete their transaction, and then hand the employee their eyeglasses to see if the eyeglass frames can be adjusted. I've witnessed this not once but twice and managed to bite my tongue before pointing out that their apparent problem with their lenses should probably take precedence over any issue they had with the frames. Come to think of it, the second time it happened, we were actually able to take care of her problem with the same screwdriver we reserve for Nielsen corner ornaments. Hmmmm...
My personal favorite has always been when a new customer service rep took an order for


It took us a while to figure that one out.