Wedding Rings Frame

Baer Charlton

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
May 24, 2004
Our 15th is coming up this fall. Also her birthday is June 15th... [I know you were wondering what that national holiday was all about..]

So I finally got around to framing her two favorite pictures from our wedding at 37,000ft. The kid is our ring bearer. The other first class flight attendent was the flower girl [taking the picture].


just a piece of King Mahogany that I had kicking around for the last 15 years.... got it on the island of Bequia [day 3 of our honeymoon, yes we left the cabin.].

Hmmm, just realized; not very many grey hairs then....
15 years .....God bless the woman! Nice work get cracking on her b'day present
Congratulations on your upcoming 15th wedding anniversary. Wonderful 'wedding ring' frames. You are truly a talented framer
Well Baer, at least your remembering your anniversary. Today is our 17th wedding anniversary. My husband has been on a business trip since Thursday. When he got home today I had our daughter (whose's almost three years old) tell him "Happy Anniversary".

She had to say it twice before he understood her and the look on his face was priceless. He looked up at me with this look of horror on his face and gave me a hug saying "I'm so sorry". I asked if he was sorry for forgetting or for me having to put up with him for 17 years?" ;)
I remember my 15th wedding anniversary vividly ... because I forgot it at the time ... I have been reminded of it every year since (now at 37 and counting!)

Great looking frame.
Our 15th is Oct 20th. I will now wrap the framed pictures and hide them where I will of course forget where they are. :D

On Oct 19th I will rush out after work and buy flowers and run home before she gets home, [or get up at 4am] and make a hand made in the computer card.