Website button on posts.

Tim Hayes.

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Aug 31, 2001
I notice that when I click on the "website" button on many Grumblers post that I get a "This page cannot be diplayed" message. Why is that?

Could it possibly be the way that the profiles are set up? It has one space to put either business name or website. This is confusing to the point where people without websites are simply entering a business name. That triggers the insertion of the "website" button in their posts when in fact an actual website address was not inserted(through no fault of theirs) in the space(marked both website and business name) on their profile page.

It would really be helpful if an administrator would fix the layout of the profile page and make separate spaces for website and business name. It would solve this problem completely.

Please address this problem. Thank you.
Actually Tim, from the ones I have noticed in the past it is caused by people not entering the entire URL of their website.
Tim, you're absolutely right. (Lance is just upset about his poll.) In your profile you are invited to put either your website address or the name of your shop. If you put the name of your shop, the www. is added automatically and you end up with a bogus URL address. The only way to get rid of it is to delete the name of the shop and leave that line blank.

The web address and shop name need to be separate line items in the profile. The only one who can do that is framer. I'll bet it'll happen, but probably not this week.
Please note also, this is all being said whilst I try to get my site going again as it has decided to go FFFiiiiiiiiiPPPPhtttttt!