web sites

Jean McLean

CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Feb 25, 2001
Millinocket, ME, USA
I just love it when a member enables us to see their web site by leaving their www address. I wish more of you would use yours if you have a web site or if you give us advice about a vendor who also has a web site. It makes it so much easier to contact a vendor. Also, I love looking at your web sites and seeing what your all about. We have some wonderful members!
Holiday greetings from Maine. Jean McLean
(don't dare use my www right now. Is it alright or against regulations?)
Jean, even if we don't list our website in our posts, if you click on the little icon of a person at a house on the top of each post, it will take you to the poster's website if they have one. (Well, at least mine does.)

How 'bout one of the moderators create a separate, permanent Forum just for member’s web sites so anyone who wants to post theirs can? That way we can all access each others pages from a single source, get ideas and plagiarize to our heart’s content.

The Framer's Loft is here
Jean, even if we don't list our website in our posts, if you click on the little icon of a person at a house on the top of each post, it will take you to the poster's website if they have one. (Well, at least mine does.)


Now that we are on the "New Grumble" you click on poster Name and a pull-down menu appears and then you can click on a link to their site if they have one. Link says; visit ____________homepage.
Bill Henry, great idea. I did like the yellow house on the "old grumble" since it gave you on screen at a glance. Now if I want to see another shops web site I pick a topic with the most replies and then start searching each and every one, takes time and there must be a better way!

Thanks for the idea, maybe moderators will take it to heart, err, computerdom!

You should check out MakeMoreArt.com our new site we have recently launched. It is a growing collage of a number of art and framing related websites. Check back there often because the number of frame spaces are filling up quite nicely! If anyone has a website you can check it out and become a part of MakeMoreArt.com at... ta daaa.... www.MakeMoreArt.com!

Promoting the Arts!
There are several spelling errors in your mouse-over descriptions - these should be corrected if you are serious about this MakeMoreArt site!!!

And...Welcome to the Grumble!!!

Thanks for the welcome!

In regards to the mouse overs these are actually provided by the owners, however I will check with our webmaster to see if we can go through to correct them. I suspect we will start doing that as a precaution... because we are very serious about MakeMoreArt.com!

The link to Newman Valley Studio is working, please check the link again. We did some updates earlier today on the site so perhaps the link was down for a few moments.


Promoting the Arts!