Wealthy customer..Price complaints


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 8, 2004
Hi All,

Had a new customer bring in 6 degrees (dif. sizes). Simple metal with double mat. Total was 480. incl tax. I gave him a break because of the multi job.

He picks up drops off 3 more and calls for a price because he was in a hurry. I told him 250. incl tax and he says ok but questioned my prices. He said if I stay consistant he will bring me more. I told him it is all computerised and the price for the first jobs was calculated the same as the second but he still made it seem like I was trying to get over on him.

I don't really have a question but this is really bothering me. I have thought of 100 things I should have said and might say (nicely) when he picks up but until then I am stewing over the comment.

I think I will just let it go after lunch, life is short and this stuff isn't worth it but I am very consciencous (sp?) and try to treat everyone well so it does bug me.

This is a great place to vent.
(ps. Do the prices for the jobs seem right to you total sizes aprox 12x18 all vary but this is an average)
My guess is since 6 cost him 480 he probably thought 3 would only be 240!~ where did the extra $10.00 come from? :confused:
2 of the original batch were smaller than the others.
When this happens at my store I just remember a great phrase I heard in Vegas.
"Customers don't have to like the price they just
have to pay it!"
He worring about a $10 difference. 3~250 would be 6~500.
Tell him the different sizes make a difference in the material usage ie. you need a 14x18 to frame the 12x18 mentioned above but a smaller one might come out of an 12x16 etc.

I'm betting that he heard $480 and thought $400 and heard $250 and thought thats half of $500.

People can't do math in their heads anymore. I sell oil paintings at flea markets. A 24x36 sells for $69.95 and the frame for this size is $49.95, most of the people subcontiously thing the framed total is around a hundred bucks when its actually $119.90. It's all about perception.
It seems like, the more money people have, the more they worry about it. Consider yourself a counselor helping him with his unreasonable anxieties.

That viewpoint will help you think of things to say like: "Yes, anytime the certificate is smaller, I can use less material, and it costs you less. I'll keep an eye out for that kind of break for you."
This thread is becoming a colony for urban myths. It started with the old "People don't have to like..." followed up with ever popular "People can't do math..." and the latest, oldie but goldie "The mre money people have..."

Heck, I was surprised that we didn't get my personal favorite "This Doctor drives up in (insert luxury car of choice) and complains about..."

Thye fact that you got a reorder should have made you happy. Heck, we get price objections every so often-you should. A little good salesmanship should be able to overcome almost all objections. This one doesn't sound so tough and I sure wouldn't let it upset me
If you don't get at least an occasional price objection, you are probably not charging enough for your work.
:cool: Rick
Sounds like it was handled okay.

Since the first pieces were varying sizes... and the last 3 were varying, but larger... I wouldn't be afraid to discuss it when he comes in to pick up these last 3 - in a friendly upbeat manner.

Showing him the actual cost off the computer with the discount... That way he will certainly be assured of your consistency! And you can assure him of that!!

Don't take offense, take it as a "test" of handling a customer with a concern!

Good luck.

I was hoping Roz was going to chime in. Your advice always seems like what I need to read.

Bob he was a doctor but was driving a beat up explorer that he actually apologized for to me. I don't know why I just helped him load up his car.

Just sometimes need to read that others understand.

Thank you Grumblers, I just had lunch and things don't bother quite as much.