Waste not, want not?


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Apr 18, 2004
I have just spent two days reorganizing after the Christmas chaos. My partner insists that we save every little scrap of mat, glazing, wire, boxes etc. Please give me your practices of what (sizes) to discard as scraps. After a while, it becomes pure clutter. I say anything leftover less than a 11x14 should be trashed. I do have several stacks to give to local schools.
Anything smaller than 12" on its shortest side? Gone! We harvest corner angles from metal frames and old d-rings, but screweyes? Gone! Gotta be brutal in this business!
Saving mat left overs works well for us. We have a mat rackabout 15 or 16 feet long with 3 tiers. Full sheets on bottom, 16 x 20 to up to 8 x 10 in the middle then 8 x 10 on top. The pieces are all numbered and stored in order. It's not a big deal once your are organized and it is profitable.

Glass under 8 x 10 goes out, still we have to cull a pile of glass once in a
while. I've started putting old metal hardwares and blades in a Pringles can
with a hole cut in the top to take to the recycle center (metal moulding left
overs go to here too).

We save clean packing material such as foam sheeting or bubble wrap. We
also save boxes if we know someone who is moving, and we almost always
do. Both of these work well.

We try to recycle, but while the city does a fabulous job of picking up home
recyclables it doesn't do commercial pick up yet.