Warped Moulding?


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Aug 9, 2003
setauket, ny
A customer (friend)left his finished work here for about 3 or 4 months. Yesterday I decided to hang them up until he comes to get them. There are three pieces 28" x 38" each.
I found when they hang on the wall, only one of the bottom corners of the frame touches the wall instead of two. I am not that great at joining moulding so I had the supplier put these together. They did not look warped when I put the package together, but I didn't really check all that carefully.
Any ideas how to fix this one? I thought perhaps Wallbuddies might mitigate the problem, but I've never tried them.
My luck the guy will come tomorrow morning to pick them up.
Dear Fred:
Wood has it's peculiarities. It cups and twists, crowns and gyrates in directions as it grows, directly proportional to the trees latitude from the equator. It is called the coriolis effect.
Flushed toilets and low pressure atmosphere, things that go down (a line I will leave alone for now )spin counterclockwise. Things that go up like trees and high pressure atmosphere revolve clockwise (north of the equator). South of the equator is reverse.
Pilots use these atmospheric effects to add tailwind a.k.a velocity to their flight. Right,now I am enjoying a good tailwind.
The only way a manufacterer can compensate for this that I know of,is to make the rails that they adhere the compo on, stacked. In other words they chop the stock into short blocks and rotate the blocks when they glue them into strips to avoid the twist. Look on the back of your samples and you can see who has quality stock. It looks like butcher block, a bunch of short pieces glued together. Best bet , Don't fret. It's wood, that's the nature of the beast. If they want perfection, sell them plastic or metal. Bowed frames are natural. Its the nature of the beast.
Once a frame is assembled, there really is no cure for a warped frame. Best solution is just make a new frame. The time you spend trying to correct the warped one is wasted and not worth it.

I, for one, don't think warped frames are natural, the nature of the beast, or acceptable if it is brand new. If we find a frame is warped, we send the warped one back and get a new one. Call the distributor and tell them.