WANTED...used hand-cranked sander


Feb 17, 2003
Milford, Ohio
I'm new to the Grumble, and would like to buy one of those hand-cranked disc sanders that are used to 'true-up' mitered corners. I can't believe what they want for a new one, so I'm looking for a used one at a fair price.
Welcome to The Grumble.

Does "TGFU" stand for "Thank God For Used?"

This is one piece of equipment I don't think I've ever seen for sale used. It's not like anyone's going to upgrade to a model with more features, and I can't imagine anyone giving theirs up once they've used it. If I ever decided to liquidate my shop, I'd probably keep my mat cutter, my saw and my sander.

Check on EBay. It seems like everything shows up there sooner or later. A warning, though. These things weigh over 50 pounds, so shipping is going to be significant.
As a distributor that trys to move used equipment for our customers I agree with Ron. In four years I have never seen an Amp Mitre Sander come up for sale as used equipment. These are heavy duty, they do not break, and for those who have bought one will tell you they will never part with it as long as they are framing.
I know last year amp was giving them away with the purchase of a V nailer in atlanta and my supplier gave the same offer. wait till the fall and maybe they'll do it again , I believe they have done for the last few years.
Originally posted by rmajohns:
I know last year amp was giving them away with the purchase of a V nailer in atlanta and my supplier gave the same offer. wait till the fall and maybe they'll do it again , I believe they have done for the last few years.
This would be a great deal, if you need a v nailer. I would tell you to go ahead and pay full price for one and get it now. You will not regret your purchase. (at least from my experience, you won't)

This piece of equipment is a vital part of my way of making frames as close to perfect as possible.
I am planning on purchasing a sander also. I mentioned it to one of my local distributors and he said there were at least two distributors that had half off sales on sanders in New York last year and he fully expects the same thing this year. $200 for a regular $395 sander was what he said. If I find such a deal I'll buy it next week.

Cliff, what kind of sander is that? I paid $450 for an AMP with a show special in Atlanta and was very happy. I also saved a shipping charge by hauling it about a half-mile to my van and driving it back to Wisconsin. (I have nearly recovered.)

I like the hand-crank type, since I think you have more control and it usually only takes a few turns. (And no motor to burn out.) Also check on price and availablility of replacement sanding discs.
you can purchase a Delta 12 " Disk sander for about $160. at your local tool supply house.(not the Home Depot, Menards, Lowes type Home improvement Store) This is a heavy duty sander that you will have to abuse to burn out. you will have to purchase a miter gage to go with it and I believe that they are about $60. I chose to make a homemade mitre gage from aluminum stock.
Ron, I think the rep said it was a Barton, but I am not very sure. I might be getting confused because United has a Barton for $395 in their catalog.


[ 02-20-2003, 12:48 PM: Message edited by: Cliff Wilson ]
I also found the AMP hand-crank model to be a bit expensive for me right now, so last month I did a little research, and ended up buying a Woodtek 12" disc sander and a stand. It was recommended by Wood magazine as "Best Value" or something like that (and the Delta referred to above was in the comparison group) and cost about $189. That price includes the mitre guide, but not the stand, which is another $75 if you want it. As I use it I'll try to remember to post my experience with it.
Well, after looking around at the motorized, and the AMP, I wound up with the AMP. The show special I found was $475, which isn't much off the $499 regular price, but it is being delivered at no charge, so I went ahead and got it anyway.


You're going to be very happy with your new sander and wonder how you ever managed without it.

Bolt it down securely, preferbly in a location convenient to your saw and/or chopper. Take a few minutes to check and adjust the fence. It's very easy.

It will come with what looks like a big ATG pickup stick for cleaning the sanding disc but, if you have a compressor, you might be happier running a hose with a spray nozzle to your sander. That's the easier way to clean the disc.

The sander is very handy for cleaning up miters on wood frames you have to break down and rejoin. But remember it's a sander and not a grinder. If you end up with broken v-nails or brads in the frame, either remove them or grind them down well below the surface with a Dremel or similar before you sand. Otherwise your disc will wear out quickly (immediately.)

Thanks Ron, Actually I already cleared a space next to my saw. I was planning on mounting it on top of an old three drawer bureau I had painted which I use for supplies. It is pretty hefty and should be quite stable. There is a hose over the joining table which will reach the sander nicely. I'll keep the "nail destroying sand paper" in mind. Years ago (during college breaks) I was a machinist/mechanic. I used to design and build plastic molds as well as repair industrial machinery like grinders and milling machines, so most of the care and feeding of equipment comes back to me when I need it. :D

Thanks Again,
Hi All,

Cliff, did you get this sander from the N.Y. show?

I went to the CPF Prep class, yesterday, in Las Vegas, but before I did I called AMP to see if they were offering this sander at a discount, they said no.

If you got it in N.Y. maybe I should call and see if I can get the show price with no shipping? What do you think.
I did get it in New York, but NOT from AMP. I got it from a local distributor (Don Mar) that has a truck going to my shop anyway. M&M also had the same (or near the same) price, but I would have had to pay for shipping. Sorry, but that probably didn't help you. :(

You are always a help,

I do have a place where I can get a used (manual) one for $450 + shipping?

I'll check that one out again since I don't think used is bad.

Thanks my friend