Wanted: Dry Mount Press


Grumbler in Training
Oct 11, 2004
Madison, WI
Looking to purchase a used dry mount press (preferably a heat press), to accomodate lithographs up to 24" x 30"

From a logistics standpoint, we are located in Madison, WI.

Please email jschroeder@introflections.com, or call 1-888-377-7200, if you have one for sale. (Ask for John or Greg).

Thank you,

John Schroeder
Introflections LLC
Hi John,

Welcome to The Grumble. Just wanted to let you know that at the bottom of the screen is a drop down list next to "Hop To:". In there you'll find a category entitiled: "Commercial Posts, For Sale of Framing Shop Stuff and Art". Select that heading, then hit "Go".

You might find a dry mount press for sale in there. As an FYI, they need to be crated because of their size and weight (approx. 300#). Shipping can be expensive since they have to travel via common carrier, i.e. semi, and unless you can muscle it down off the truck yourself, you need to arrange for a truck w/ a lift gate, which costs a little more.

I'm originally from Madison - great town! Currently located south of Oconomowoc; if you need the use of a press until you get one, please contact me via private e-mail. hickoryh@execpc.com

Good luck,
Amy McCray