Want to buy an oval cutter


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Mar 18, 2004
Kennett Square, PA
We're currently looking for a used oval cutter. We're getting quite a few jobs in that require oval frames and the oval cutter will make our lives a lot easier. If anyone has one to sell or knows of someone selling one please let me know either by email, phone (610.388.1151), or posting a response. Thanks!
I noticed quite a few of them on ebay the other day. Just do a search for Mat Cutter and you should find all you need. not sure of the quality, they seem to be of the hand-held variety, but maybe it's what you're looking for.
Thanks, Derek. I just spoke with someone who has a C&H Ovalmaster that I think we're going to buy; however, I'll check it out.
While we are on the subject, might I ask:

Is this the same as Carrithers? Take same blades?
Who sells the blades besides LJ?

I've been using the Carrithers. It works great.
Need blades badly. Sharpening (the straight mat blade) doesn't seem to work. Any cognoscente on TG?