Want Ideas about how to frame this B&W

Baer Charlton

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
May 24, 2004
OK, here is the picture..

Just taken today.

I want Ideas, about how to frame it. Anything goes, you know where my limits go... :D


OK, fire away. Oh, one rule.... must have fun.
Is this a construction site accident or your foot after surgery?

I'm envisioning bushed aluminum or something suggestive of it....flaot mount on white frosted glass and illuminated from the rear, just like the viewer thingies in the hosptital.

Or some sort of frame all studded with nails or metal bolts or whatever those are.

Assuming those are going to come out at some point, will the doc let the client have them?
I also immediately thought there should be some element in the framing to echo the er, nails, spikes. Metal thingies... you know...

Maybe even a crosshatch pattern, like the pic?

Loove the mock up light box idea..

That's it, I'm out..
And see, I thought more of a bone motif. . .

Baer, do you know any doctors who could/would wrap a frame in the material they make casts out of now - particularly some cool color?
Sawed and pinned femur bones with various metatarsal bone corner ornaments for a frame (imagine an Adirondack stick frame only using skeletal parts), with a disgustingly lifelike post-op purple and yellow mat with suture detail.
An idea for the mat would be to airbrush the color onto the mat and then stretch sections of surgical gloves over the mat, stitching the seams to the mat for a "carved up & sewn back together" look. I'm trying to think of something that would give that bloated translucent look the skin gets after trauma.
If it is a "work site" injury a frame made of 2X4's with bent over nails protruding from the corners, bandaids wrapped around the side pieces, and an OSHA label on the bottom <strike>leg</strike> frame moulding piece might be apropo.

For the mat you could use old x-rays adhered to a <strike>bone</strike> ivory mat. A building permit also might be a nice touch! And of course the glass MUST be scratched! Or have a bullet hole/spider web decal on it!

If it is from your hospital visit you could use the bill as the mat, then put the xray in a UniFrame glass and clip frame. When someone asks you could tell them that after paying the Dr. and hospital you couldn't afford a proper frame!
ok, so do the pins come out and do you get to keep them?

Maybe you could wait until you have the pins and actually use them in a sort of shadowbox effect? Also - how did this happen? Did something get dropped on it? Say it was.... oh - one of those cast iron **** heavy mitre vices - maybe you could somehow incorporate a picture of it in there to show "how it all happened" = kind of like telling the story.

How about a picture of you with the cast on? that would be a nice addition. Someone mentioned the hospital bill - you could add that and then add something like - Steel pins - $200.00 (??) Hospital bill - $2000.00 Price of a man's .......... - priceless!!"

(I'm guessing that is is your foot - and I don't know the reason why this happened - so you may have to change some of those statements!)
BTW Baer,

from the x-ray it looks like you wiggled your big toe! Also were you wearing a cast or Birks?

Hope its healing well for you.

Oh Handy, here a Link to the thread about Baer's foot!
bob - thanks for the link - but that thread is more about bear's dog.

At first I though it was going to be about what Baer's dog DID to his foot - and all sorts of ideas started growing -but then as I read on I realized that was not the case! LOL!!

That poor, poor dog. Adorable picture though...
I dunno but it looks like an "almost" hairless breed! LOL!!!
What if you have a vertical multiple opening mat with this at the bottom (where the feet go) and other pictures - of varying styles, colors, sizes of your head, shoulders, midriff, legs, etc...

Kinda like the old books (?) that had pages you could flip the top to have one of a series of heads/hats/faces.

Am I making any sense. Who cares - I'm having fun and that's what you said it was about!!

A Baer self portrait!!


PS with all the other ideas for the choice of moulding - I like the bone idea - you can always make your own from the polymer clay in a bone color - discolor/distress with walnut ink!
I like the "bone" idea! This might help you get the creative juices flowing! Can't use this for framing, but it could be the seat that you hang it behind. When I saw this bench I thought it would be great at an Osteopath's office, or ER waiting room!

Bone Bench!

I like the American Science & Surplus website. Fun, weird stuff!
Bob, very cool site. It's now a favorite.

Bone is no problem.. nephew is Maxial Facial Surgeon, and sister owns a ranch.. Offered to do Nephew's diploma... for some reason he blanched white and muttered something about Michael's.

I'm liking some of these great ideas...

FYI: The pins stay.

Handy: I went out with Tonya Harding... just forgot to duck high enough...... :D
My angel is a Cocker. With the wrap, she just looked like a Shar Pe
Are you familar wth the childrens board game, "Operation"? Maybe you could pattern you mats after the board in that game. It would be a shallow shadow box looking down thru the mats at the x-ray, you could even hook up the little medical instument that when you touch the frame it beeps and a little red light goes off just like in the game as I recall.
Board game????

Mat board ....game?

Is it like Monopoly in the middle that I could cut out the opening?

There is the "other" view of the foot too..

And you say there is a little medical insturment that could go in if it's shadow boxed?...
It's amazing what you can do with a Senco slight-headed pinner.

A v-nailer would have hurt like ****!
That looks just exactly like the technique I'm useing to piece an old frame back together. Is that an actual xray on film that would need to be back lit or is it a print?
They gave me print outs and digital both...

They don't do gel plates anymore..

The plate, is exposed than "read" into the computer and the surgeon shows you your foot on either the 19" or can throw it full screen on the 42" plasma, [same as the one he has in his operating room]. Now how cool is THAT?

I think I'm leaning more towards that black stem and white mat.... :D
Well then isn't the only way to frame it in a 42" Plasma TV? Or are you looking for ideas to to frame the TV? For the print I was thinking a real deep well frame with a rocky appearance. Like a hole a person might inadvertantly step in. Designer has a line called stone that comes to mind. Add on to create more depth in the rabbet, at least 1" I'd say. A ring of led's hidden around the frame opening would be fun for illumination. A little band of black(or dark) mat or liner then maybe a small bright silver half or quarter round fillet and then a small reveal of black right next to the print. I've also created a stone like frame by making a clay mold and casting a surface to cover a wood frame that turned out real nice, or it could be carved. Whatever you decide to do we're all on the edge of our seats with anticipation you know.
I would float the photo...raisedjust enough to have a light effect behind it. The lights need to be able to kinda glow ... ..around the whole photo and could go on and off as in in a dimmer type fashion: glows brighter and brighter then goes .....down...brighter and brighter ..then goes dooooown........ show the "thumping" and PAINFUL feeling of the nail studded foot. The frame could have nail heads as studs all around as well

I see pain here real PAIN....
Originally posted by Baer Charlton:
Board game????

Mat board ....game?

Is it like Monopoly in the middle that I could cut out the opening?

There is the "other" view of the foot too..

And you say there is a little medical insturment that could go in if it's shadow boxed?...
Baer, "Operation" It's a kids game, probably by Milton Bradley I'm sure some where like Meijer or WallyWorld has it, especially this time of year. Don't think you could actually use the board as is, but could take ideas from it.