Vivian's Famous Calendar

I know there are a lot of people who don't like her, but like her personally or not, you have to admit that she has done a lot for this industry.

She's just one of those people that you like or don't like - nothing "wishy-washy" about her.

Me, I kinda like that... You always know where you stand with her. (could be because I'm one of those people as well :D )
Betty, I think you've got it right.

Left, right, or down the middle.... lover her or hate her... you know her; because of all she does.

Now about that d*** conflict of events that I had forgotten about....***** ***** *****.

Thank Vivian.
it wasn't your fault I double booked.... :D . . . now where did I stash my clone?
Yes, she certainly does have personality.

Definitely an entertaining speaker!
It's hard to believe Ellen, but there are even people who don't like DOGS!!!

I personally can't imagine a world without either one. :D
Yeap, Ellen, for instance some people are jealous on Vivian's privileged connection to LaMarche. Other people had taken her words for true and gave LaMarche one more chance to burn them. As result both cathegories may sport special sub-sonic vibes at her address. I am convinced that many more like and admire her.
Who's Vivian? Where is her shop located?

I am glad to know when the Quadrum/Saca in Bologna was.


Carry on.
Hopefully not. That would bring a fresh breeze in here where each one bows in front of same gods and instantly recognizes what Bainbrige#xyz and Nielsen #svtu stay for.
I attended her seminar in NY last winter (very useful & entertaining) and bought 3 of her tapes and 2 books. I guess I like her.

But also the other seminars, by Chris Paschke and Meg Peters, were also quite good. Although Meg's was a bit distracting 'cause she's very attractive.... :D
Originally posted by Jay H:
[QB] Who's Vivian? Where is her shop located?/QB]
Here's a hint:
Check any list of framing publications available from industry sources, such as PPFA, Picture Framing Magazine, or Decor. You should notice that most of them were either written by Vivian Kistler, published by Columba Publishing Co. (her company), or both.

Here's another hint:
Over the past twenty years or so, Vivian Kistler is listed as an instructor for more framing courses at trade shows than probably anyone else.

Vivian is one of very few people in our industry who are fit stand on the same stage with Paul Frederick.
Actually I'm well aware of who Vivian is. I have her multi volume books on framing. I've never taken a class but met her in Atlanta. Very nice woman, pretty pointless calender.

But Paul Frederick, I have no clue who that man is. If he is from Hollywood, he has some nice underware.
Hey Betty-Isn't it nice that Baer stuck up for you?

What a delightful irony
Bob, She wears hats.. and is proud of it.

That is the only recommendation I kneed to rise to the occation to stand by her side. AND she's a writer to boot.

And that, as we say, is all she need to wrote...

She's tops in my book. And when we go back to Jonesboro, TN, I'll make the drive to go see her for an afternoon.