Virus (worm) "Mydoom,""Novarg" or "WORM_MIMAIL.R"

Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
There's a fairly serious threat out there today. Make sure you run "liveupdate" or obtain today's current antivirus signature file for your software. The internet is running slowly this morning, as a result. Several popular links are down.

This one comes through email, usually in the form of an error message with a detail attachment. If you open the infected attachment, you'll be sending out infections to friends in your contact list at the rate of up to 100 emails every 30 seconds. It also tries to infect those running the KAZAA file sharing program, by inserting itself in shared folders. It launches an attack on a website, as well.

Today's release of Symantec's Norton Antivirus, McAfee's Viruscan, or even Ad-Aware will detect and remove this parasite.

This one will open your computer to hackers and record keystrokes so your login and password can be stolen. Not good if you do any banking on your computer. Check out for more info...and update your virus protection.
We got nailed by this puppy yesterday, did not get it ourselves but recieved in excess of 2000 emails from loads of diferent customers.

The attachment is usually between 20kb and 26kb and may appear as a zip, exe or a number of odd attachments. The subject line is commonly HI, HELLO or TEST.

There is a free scan from You can use the free online virus scanner to check your computer and, if infected, follow the instructions to remove it.

It may also send mail that appears to be returned but was not sent.
I just tried to run a live update on Norton and it said "Live update already running in the backround, do not run a live update until this session is finished." I've never had this happen before. I assume it means that Norton is doing it's job? It used to tell me when I needed to get a new update, but for the past several months it doesn't do that. I wonder if somehow I configured it to automatically do it the last time I purchased it? Just thinking outloud......
Kathy, the current version of Norton AntiVirus is configured, by default, to update virus definitions automatically in the background when you're on line. You may or may not get a confirmation, depending on your settings, but you can always open Norton AV to check the date of your last update.
Thanks Mike

PHEW wwwwwww……I read your post before I opened my On The Edge email account and updated my anti virus……sure enough I got infected mail…..the anti virus caught it…….thanks again..


I just received it as well, from someone at Harvard University. (caught by Norton antivirus)

Mike, thanks for the heads up on this one... I get so nervous about viruses.... Now I am worried about my home computer which I am in the process of having updated.. but it is virtually unprotected.

We've received today many "unable to deliver" official looking email "returns" that we never sent in the first place.

I mistakenly opened one, oops, but ran my updated McAfee and no virus is reported.

This is a big reason why the internet is not growing at the rate we thought it would in the 1990's.
This is a big reason why the internet is not growing at the rate we thought it would in the 1990's.
Say what??

The number of internet hosts is no longer doubling annually, as it was from 1985-1997, but that's probably as much an indication of market saturation as anything.

Internet traffic continues to increase at about 100% per year, thanks in no small part to Emibub and other devoted users.
In the last few hours I've received 150+ of these emails. Expect them from your friends and business contacts. I've received them from many companies that I deal with. I won't mention any names as its not their fault. Beware, trust no attachment.


[ 01-28-2004, 09:18 AM: Message edited by: framer tg: ]