Vintage shadowbox


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 2, 2001
Centennial, CO, USA
This is one under utilized forum. I've done some very cool shadowboxes the past couple of weeks. I am hoping to make it my "niche" in my area of town. Man oh man do I love this stuff.



This is absolutely the best shadowbox I have ever done. The client cried when she picked it up. I've done a total of seven for her, she is coming back tomorrow with three more.

The overall size was 18x32. I used ornate silver shadowbox, a LJ enhancer around that and then a black beaded fillet around the mat. I only charged $500. It took me longer than I thought it would. Used a lot more foamcore than I planned on too. My camera is not taking very good pictures. I tried to show how I built up the mat and boxed it in on the sides. I could frame this stuff each and every day.
Yeah!! You're gettin' into MY favorite framing job now!

I am working on a pictorial "how-to" for laying out and framing crocheted names which I will post here soon. It isn't one of my favorite things to do but there have been alot of questions emailed to me on how to do these so I will try to 'splain the procedure I use.

Kathy, you keep foolin' around and you are gonna catch on to this framing stuff!

Curly, is that what they are saying? I knew I was hearing voices, just didn't know what they were saying. :D
This one is definitely more my cup of tea! Very nice. The others are nice also but I like this one best.